Chapter 28

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Calum's POV

Me and Lauren were sat in the car and we had come to a stop light and I couldn't help but admire the light smile covering her face it was so sweet "Lauren are you alright?" she raised an eyebrow "yes Calum. you have asked me this four times in the past ten minutes and nothing had changed okay Cal?" I laughed slightly "okay okay calm down" a said pushing her shoulder lightly and then as if on cue the lights turned that annoying green colour they turn.

We had got to the car park of the mall and Lauren was really showing her true colours she was laughing, shouting and just having fun.

I love her like a sister so the knowledge of her being happy made me happy.

"Lauren you're very happy today" she looked me dead in the eyes "it a nice change isn't it?" I nodded and took her hand leading her into the mall "ice cream first or The fault in our stars?" she thought surprisingly long and hard about this but then decided on the Ice cream which I agreed with.

"What flavour?" the girl said not very excited to be there I think "hmm well Lauren?" she looked at me the pointed to the banofee ice cream "I want that one" she said loudly "you can have that one then" the girl rolled her eyes and asked what I wanted "the same thanks" she scooped it up then handed us both a cone and we sat on the bench "so Lauren what exactly do you want to do today, anything you want don't care how girly it is" I said eagerly "umm can we go to the cinema then get some pizza?" I nodded.

We walked out the ice cream parlour when I bumped into a familiar face "Diane?" she looked at an smiled "oh hey Calum" she said happily.

Diane is Michaels best friend since I can remember "and who is this beautiful young lady?" she said facing Lauren "oh this is Lauren, Ashton's younger sister" she put her hand out for Lauren to shake which Lauren did happily "I'm Diane and that's a beautiful name to match a beautiful face" Lauren blushed "I wish I was a beautiful as you are it would be pretty awesome but I'm not which sucks really bad but ya know" Diane an my face dropped almost instantly as she said that "well I will be sat over there waiting for you Cal but I will let you two talk" and she walked away "why does she think so poorly of herself?" Diane asked sadness clearly in her voice "I don't know but I really wish she didn't and it makes me so sad to think that feels that way about herself" we both stared at her but she didn't notice she was to interested in her arms "she is pretty amazed by her arms" I said and Diane nodded "yeah it's pretty weird you should see what's so fascinating and I have to go but I will e round later to see you guys don't tell Mickey though it'll be a suprise" she said walking away slowly.

I stood there right in the middle of the Mall thinking 'what is on her wrists' the thought and possibilities scared me half to death but I tried to push them to the back of my mind and though how do I ask what's on her wrists so my dying question is answered.

We walked into the cinema and she ran upto the line and waited for me to join "ya know you're pretty amazing Lauren" I said under my breath "I just wish you knew".


Sorry this is crap but yeah can't all be John green can we?

But anywho hope you're all good and yeah Diane I hope you like this.


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