Chapter eighteen

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I sat at the table with Luke, Calum and Michael we didn't talk but it wasn't awkward it was comfortable I liked it.

Me and Mickey exchanged a few look I loved his smile It was the nicest thing I've ever seen I just wish he would smile more. I loved the fact that me, Ashton Irwin can make the most perfect boy in this big world.

I stood up smiling "I'm just going to check on Harry and Lauren okay?" they all nodded and walked up the stairs to Luke's room that had been taken over by my siblings "hey you two okay?" I yelled getting their attention, they both stared at me then nodded Lauren stood first and walked past me to the stairs then Harry stood up and walked to me grabbed my hand and pulled me down so I was at his level "ya know Ash I miss mom and dad a lot but being here with you Cal, Luke, Mickey and Lauren I feel better and I dot want you to ever leave me okay?" he whispered like he was scared I was just gonna pack my bags and leave him and Lauren "I'm never leaving you why would you ever think that?" I said shocked "well mom and dad left I just thought it was a sign saying I should be alone" he said sorrowfully "oh no Harry I could never leave you I won't nothing more then you an Lauren to be safe and sound okay?" he nodded "don't think crazy things like that" I stood up to my normal height and placed a kiss on forehead, he walked to the stairs galloping down them.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him having a crazy thought like that in his mind I could never do that he means to much to me more then will ever know and I don't want him or Lauren getting crazy ideas like this.

I walked down stairs and Luke asked Lauren and Harry if they wanted any food and they both said "spaghetti!" in unison and I Laughed "spaghetti coming right up" he said making the two smile. Mickey came and stood next to me and I felt safe I loved it, he lace his fingers with mine and my heart pounded making me blush.

Luke and Calum were laughing in the corner and It just felt right everything in my life has just fallen into place and I love it, I just dot want anything or anyone coming here and ruining this for me.

I decided not to think about the future and just live in the now because all I would do is worry, so I pushed these bad thought right to the back of my mind and as I did that Luke yelled "spaghetti!!" I looked at him and he was placing the plates on the food mats on the wooden table where we all took our seats. it was placed me next to Mickey and Harry and him next to Luke and Luke next to Cal and Cal next to Mickey.(not necessary but what the hell) it was all amazing until the door rang "hey Ash can you get that?" Luke said as I was sat the closest to the door "sure" and I scurried to the door to be met by someone I really didn't wanna see "Mom!" I yelled.


Not really feeling this fanfic anymore but I really hope you guys like it if you do please comment it would really be a boost. love you all hope you guys are all okay and yeah xx


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