Chapter 22

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We walked into Hollister the smell of perfume hitting us in the face I smelt great but all I wanted to do was sneeze "ACHOOO!" I sneezed three time the first two times Ash blessed me but the last time a complete stranger.

We turned our heads to be met by boy about Ash's age "thank you" I said surprised "you're welcome" he stuck his hand in my face so I shook it "I'm Harry" he said all giddy like "I'm Luke this is Ashton" I said pointing at Ash and Harry stuck his hand infringing of Ash and reluctantly shook it "well Luke it was great talking call me if you get the chance" me and Ash looked at each other "umm okay" I took the paper and he walked away.

"Someone has a crush on you" Ash sang "don't joke about this it's not funny he's just being friendly now leave it!" I snapped "ya gonna call him" he said giggling "yeah but he just wants to be friends Ash rolled his eyes "okayy!" he put his hands up in defeat.


"Ash, Harry just asked me out" I whisper screamed into my phone "First of all I told you so Second it's like 4 in the morning" I was practically crying by now "Are you fucking crying" I fake laughed "no why would I cry?" I said more moaning "Listen Luke I don't know why you're getting all emotional, you don't like him in that way so just drop it and tell him you have a boyfriend and you want to be friends!" he almost demanded "Bu-" I was cut off "no buts no no's no nothing's okay just tell him straight" he cut off the phone and I was all by myself Cal lay next to me but he was fast asleep and I couldn't move because he would wake up Ash and Mickey in the opposite room and yeah I could of walked in there instead of calling him but I would wake Cal and I don't wanna "I don't know why I'm thinking so much about this I don't like him and I know I don't but I'm gonna hurt his feelings Cal" I dropped my head "why am I talking to you you're asleep" I giggled slightly and realised how heavy my eyelids felt and drifted into a light sleep.

Every little noise woke me up, but when Ash walked into my room I jumped out of my skin "Don't frickin do that I nearly shit myself" I whispered he lugged lightly "sorry but I wanted to see if you were still awake" I looked around "well I-I'm awake" he nodded "yep I see well bye" and with that he walked back to his room.

God Ash is a weird boy.


Heyyyy I realised that I'm just gonna do it in one persons POV for chapters so it's currently Luke next I don't know it's gonna be wow I dunno such wonder.

Anywho hope you guys like this love you x


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