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(Y/N) pov

"Oh. My. Gosh. That was a close one!" I say to my best friend, Todd. "Really (Y/N)! The giant almost caught us! This is why we're NOT suppose to leave during the day!" I shake my head. "You're such a worry wort. He didn't even see us!" Todd rapidly shakes his head, "That's the last time (Y/N), and I mean it! The office is full of dangerous giants!" I roll my eyes, "That's what you said last time...and the time before that...and the time before that." "Well I mean it this time." "You said that last time too." I smirk.  "Admit it, you like the danger."  He lets out a long irritated sigh, "Whatever, lets just go home." He crosses his arms and storms off. I jog to catch up.

"So we going tonight?" I ask, I mean he had to do it, it was his job. "Yeah (Y/N). And I forgot to tell you, but..." he hesitates before mumbling, "Stephanie is coming to." "What! No! You can't be serious? She hates scavenging!" I complain. "Well that's what the chief told me." I groan, "Fine. But if she 'falls' off a shelf I'm not taking the blame." Todd looks at me confused, "Why would she...ohh. You're not pushing her off the shelf (Y/N)!" "And why not!" I joke. "Because then I'll get in trouble too!" I laugh, "Fine, but only cause I love ya." I put my arm over his shoulder and gave a squeeze.

Time skip

Midnight came, the giants left, and the borrowers come out. I love my job! We go out in groups of three to get whatever it is we needed. I was paired with Todd since day one. I remember when we first found out we nearly jumped with joy. We'd been BFF's since we were kids. We've been each other's rock, and now we had to have each other's back, or it could end up with one of us hurt or worse. But tonight I was also with Stephanie, the whiniest borrower on planet earth. The three of us leave the hole behind the cereal box in the cupboard. Todd opens the door and we listen to make sure no one is really there. After a few seconds Stephanie starts to whine, "Aug, can't we just go?" "Do you want to get stepped on?" I say. After a few moments Todd and I decide it's safe. I tie a long string of yarn to a nail that we put there when we first started scavenging, and the three of us slid down. Not even a second after our feet touched the countertop Stephanie begins to whine. "Ow! I think I got rope burn!" She waves her hands like a mad woman. "That's why you're supposed to have gloves!" I whisper shout.

Most of the night was like this. "This is too heavy!" "I can't carry this!" "How much longer?" "This's so stupid." "I don't have enough room in my bag for it." I'm starting to lose my mind. I need to find a way to shut her up...a wicked idea pops into mind. "Hey Stephanie you should stop your complaining unless you want to end up like our last partner." "What parter?" Hehehe. "You know, the one you replaced." I say like it was obvious, which it kinda was. She lets the information sink into her head, "What happened?" I walk over to her, "Well they may or may not have complained a little too much for my liking, and a giant may or may not have been in the room, and I may or may not have pushed them into the giants line of sight, and the giant may or may not of had a very negative reaction ending in our partners death." She froze and Todd took me off to the side, "What the hell (Y/N)! Larry didn't die because of a giant, he retired!" I lightly shake my head, "Oh Todd, Todd, Todd. You know that, and I know that, but she doesn't know that." I let an evil smirk creep onto my face and walked away. "So! Any complaints?" Stephanie looked horrified and rapidly shook her head. My work here is done! I turn around and walk. "What's this?" Stephanie asks. I sigh, at least she's not complaining. I turn around to see what she's talking about. She's pointing to a long, thin, black, rectangular box. Out of curiosity I walk closer to it. "Oh! The giants have these all the time! I think they call them, ah...phones." Todd jumps in. The two of us nod. "Let's move it!" I say. The three of us move the phone so that it's leaning on the wall. It's twice our size in width and our size in height and we're about three inches. I notice a flat round button on the and press it. The phone lights up showing us a picture of candy. "Wow." I mumble. Stephanie touches the picture and it changes to show the three of us instead. "Ah! What'd you do!" I yell. "I just slid it over!" She shouts back. On the side I noticed a big white circle. Todd does too because he then taps it. A white flash blinds us. Stephanie fell to the ground while Todd jumped back a bit, screaming as he did, and I just stood frozen. I walk a bit closer to the phone and read 'camera' beside it, it says 'square' and on the other side of the first word it says 'video'. I press the word and the phone mirror changes slightly and the white button is now red. I press it expecting the flash but nothing happened. "What'd you do?" Todd asks. I shrug. Stephanie walks up, "Did you break it?" I look at her blankly, then at Todd. "Can I please push her off?" I say just so Todd can hear. He goes wide eyed, "No!" "Can I beat her with my shoe?" He face palms. "No, (Y/N). You can't hurt Stephanie in any way, shape, or form." "Oh there's a timer!" She yells. We look back at her. I walk closer to the phone and see the timer at the top. "Would you look at that?" Todd walks up beside me, "What do you think it's counting?" "How are we suppose to know Todd!" I say. "What happens if we press the button again?" He asks pressing the button. The timer goes away. "Aw! Ya broke it!" I yell. "Sorry!" He puts his hands up. "It's fine, but let's put the phone back and go home." I say. We put the phone back as best as we can and head back home.

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