The end

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As the word left my mouth I felt as if I were being picked up for the first time all over again. I see the giant world around me shrink and I can't help but smile. Just as fast as it started it stops. I look over to Todd, noticing he's holding my hand with his eyes squeezed shut. I give his hand a little shake, "Todd you scaredy mouse, open your eyes." He slowly peels open his eyes, gasping at the sight around us. He looks down at gives Dark a shy smile, "Sorry for standing on your desk." I look down and notice that we were in fact standing on top of his desk. "Oh! Sorry." I mumble a bit embarrassed. Dark gives a chuckle, "That's quite all right my dear." He holds his hand out for Todd to take as Wilford does for me. We hop off the desk only for Wilford to bring the four of us into a group hug. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to give you a proper hug." He whispers to me. I giggle at his comment as we separate. Dark rolls his eyes as he straightens out his suit. "Well now that's been settled, let's show our friends around." Dark loops his arm around mine as Wilford and Todd follow behind. "What about Marvin?" I ask looking back at the cat mask wearing man. Marvin looks up from his book at us, "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm just going to tidy up a bit and do my own thing. Go have fun!" I go to argue but the magician uses magic to close the door. Dark gives a dark chuckle, "Come, let's show you around."

Wilford and Dark showed us just about every room in the office, except for a couple where only they're allowed in. I must admit, the rooms got my interest peaked, but I won't snoop. I don't want to upset them after everything they've done for me.  I was reintroduced to the others, it was a bit weird considering the last time they saw me I left on a ladder of paper clips, but they seemed to like Todd. Currently we're back in the kitchen, but this time we're sitting on the couch. Well, Todd, Wilford, and I are, Dark's sitting in a chair by us. "So we're gonna have some lunch then we'll go outside!" Wilford exclaims standing up. "Outside?" Todd and I say in unison. "Yes. We assumed that you've never been outside and would like to see it." Todd and I look at each other, excitement radiating off of us. Wilford hands everyone a sandwich before sitting back down. "That was fast." Todd mumbles to himself. "I may have been super excited about you guys being our size and pre-made lunch...and dinner." Wilford trails off at the end a bit embarrassed at his own excitement. I give the pink nerd a smile, "Thanks Wilford." The four of us eat our sandwiches, telling stories about our adventures before we finish and head outside.

Dark opens the front door and my breath is taken away by the beauty of it all. Wilford is the first to go outside, "Come on guys, you'll love it!" He yells to us as he dose a little spin basking in the sunshine. Dark rolls his eyes at his friends childish behaviour, "Take your time. I understand why you would be nervous." He shifts his gaze between Todd and I with a warm smile. I take a deep breath, grabbing Todd's hand and just step out. I notice my hand's kinda behind me, so with one quick pull, Todd is by my side. I hear him chuckle before I let go of his hand. I feel hands grab my waist and raise me into the air. I yelp before looking who's behind this and seeing the one and only Wilford. He puts me back onto the ground, giving me a twirl before pulling me into a hug. "I am so glade we met." He mumbles, kissing the top of my head. Returning the hug I whisper back, "So am I." And like a proper best friend, Todd ruins the moment, "Aww Dark, do you see them? They're adorable!" Dark stifles a laugh, "Indeed they are." I roll my eyes, "Oh be quiet." I take off my shoe and throw it at Todd. He easily dodges it and we all begin to laugh. This is indeed wonderful.


Ahh! The story is now done. In all honesty this book did way better than I thought it would. I've been working on it for two years now and it has gone to places I've never thought of. For example, Todd originally wasn't supposed to be in the story. It was just supposed to be the reader but with all the shit I planned on putting her through, I thought adding a friend would be nice. I'm planning on doing a bonus chapter just because I missed one month along the way.

I will be writing other stories so go check out my account. I have a G/T one shot book that you can always make a request on, along with other one shot stories without G/T.

I originally got this app to test out the writing waters and I must say I love the feedback I got from you guys. I big dream of mine is to become a professional author so you guys sticking around means a lot. Now I have a for you. If I ever get my books on shelves would you buy them?

I love you all!


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