The spell

422 18 4

Dark's POV

I smile as the two climb onto my hand. They are so small compared to it, and so trusting towards those much larger then them. It true that if they were any other tiny I would crush them between my fingers, but one can say that I've grown attached to them, and to think it all started with a picture on Wilford's phone.

With them in hand, I go back to Marvin. I make sure to go slower than I normally would to insure they don't fall off. As we wonder through the empty hallways, I notice Todd clinging onto (Y/N) like his little life depends on it. (Y/N)'s giving him a side hug, rubbing his arm as she whispering what I can suspect to be sweet nothings to him. I can't help but assume this is not only his first tome out of the kitchen, but also the first time being held by what they call 'a giant'. I can't imagine how terrifying this is for him. He's very brave, always facing his fears and for that I respect him.

Soon after we enter my office to see Marvin re-explain the curse to Wilford. "For the last time Wilford, the spell only changes their size, it can't turn them into any sort of animal!" Wilford is about to say something idiotic so I interrupt before Marvin losses his mind. "Is your spell ready?" Their attention turns to me, Wilford happy to see his two small friends while Marvin is ecstatic to see tinies for the first time. "In all my study's I've never seen anything so extraordinary." (Y/N) let's out a small giggle at Marvin's child like wonder where as Todd just awkwardly waves at the magician. Wilford has what I can only describe as a love struck gaze on the small girl. I raise a brow at his look, but ignore it as I place my hand upon my desk so Todd and (Y/N) can get off. Todd looks at us with a concerned look, "Did I hear spell?" I sit in my office chair and nod, "Indeed." Todd gives (Y/N) a worried look as she holds his hand to try in attempt to comfort him. "So Darkiplier-" "Dark's fine." (Y/N) stays silent as she processes what I just said, "So Dark," she pauses as if she's unsure about the name, "two things." She jesters to the office, "One, what are we doing here, and two, who's that?" She finishes pointing at Marvin. I grin at her curiosity, "That's Marvin. He deals with magic and such." Wilford jumps in, "And he's gonna help us with a little surprise we have for you!" Marvin picks up his book, hugging it close to his chest, "Only if you want it though."


I look at Todd as he looks at me. Judging by the look on his face he's just as curious as I am. "What's the surprise?" Todd asks, beating me to the question. Wilford nearly bursts with excitement as he places a pile of small jewelry in front of us. "Before we get to the surprise, you have to pick something that you'll always wear." Marvin says as Wilford is just too excited to speak. Todd and I begin looking through the pile. After a bit of searching Todd picks out a chain like bracelet while I pick out a necklace that has a single (favourite gem). Dark takes the jewelry we choose and hands it to Marvin. Marvin then carefully places them in front of him as he flips to a page in his book. He holds out his wand, waving it a bit, as he says words that sound like absolute gibberish. There's a few sparks around the jewelry before they absorb the sparks, which I must say was absolutely astonishing. Marvin picks them up and hands them back to Todd and I. We put on our gifts and thanks them, "Oh, that's not all my lovelies!" Wilford wags his finger at us before continuing, "With those bad boys you can be our size anytime you desire!" Did I hear that right? Todd tilts his head, "How?" "Well I cast a spell on them as you just saw. All you have to do is touch your bracelet or necklace, and say 'big' when you want to be our size, and say 'tiny' when you want to go back to your size." Marvin explains. I look down at my necklace, placing my hand on it. I look over to Todd as he does the same. "One?" I start. He smiles, "Two." And together we shout "Big!"


First I want to say sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter than my previous ones. Now for the big news! (Hehe, pun) I'm thinking that the next chapter will be the last one. The plan was always to end the story with the reader being able to be the size of a human, and now we've reached that part of the story. So next month will be the last chapter. Until next time my lovely tinies!

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