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A smile spreads across Wilford's face as soon as the words left my lips. "Splendid!" He claps his hands together, causing me to flinch backwards, but he doesn't notice this. "You don't know how happy I am that you forgive me. I completely forgot my manners yesterday and I almost got you kicked out of your group!" He rambles, "Wait, how did you know about that?" Stephanie asks him. Wilford looks down at her. "Oh! The security cameras caught it all on tape last night." He explains. Todd walks out of the wall slowly, "W-what's that?" He tilts his head a tiny bit. Wilford places his pointer finger on his pink moustache and thinks for a moment. "You know that night you came across my phone?" We all stood there puzzled for a moment before Todd says, "Oh! That was the first borrower trip the three of us went on." I nod as I remembered the event. "Well, it's kinda like that." Wilford kinda finishes. We just stood there confused. He must have picked up on it, "Here let me explain it differently." He then pulls out his phone and taps on it a bunch of times before showing the picture side of it to us. Todd stood beside me as Stephanie was coming out slowly. On the phone was a picture of us from that night. It was amazing! Then he went to the next one and it started moving and it was like it captured that moment in time. The moving picture was even talking! "This is remarkable!" Todd whispers. Wilford laughs as the moving picture ended. "Yeah so there's a bunch of things that do stuff like that all around the office." "That's a bit creepy if you think about it." Stephanie comments. "Well, it's so that if anything bad happens, we can know about it." He explains. "Wait. So you could have checked the videos at anytime and see us?" Todd asks. Wilford looks up from us with a blank look. "Huh, I guess we could." I stifle a laugh. "Wilford, what are you doing?" I know that voice. " Retreat!" I shout, grabbing both Todd's and Stephanie's arms and run back to the wall. "Nothing!" Wilford shouts as he turns around. I can't see who he's talking to due to he's in the way, but I know that Darkiplier was in the room. The three of us stop when we got into the wall, but I couldn't help but listen in on the conversation happening just outside. "You found the tinies again, didn't you?" His voice became louder which meant he came closer. "And what if I did?" Wilford asks like a complete smart ass. "Well I would like to see them. The last one ran off before I could get a proper look." He's really pissing me off. Talking about me like I'm an object. Todd grabs my hand, "Let's go." I nod but not before hearing Wilford, "Well they're only aloud to come out at night now. Good luck finding one Dark."

Time skip because life inside the walls are boring!

Finally night is here! Todd and I go out once again, but something's different. I can't tell what though. "Hey Todd, be careful. I got a weird feeling tonight." I hear him hum in agreement. Now I may not always be carful, but when I get a weird feeling like this, something's up. We wander around a bit making sure there's no giants around. When everything seems good, we head for the food. Todd grabs as many crumbs he could find, which filled half his bag and I did the same. We regrouped and I dumped my half filled bag into his. We then head over to the fruit bowl and we pull off a grape, it was a big one too. With the massive grape in my bag we start going to one of our holes when I hear a snap. Strangely it came from the fruit bull. "Did you hear that?" I ask Todd. "Hear what?" He sounds nervous and has every right to be. "This snapping sound. It came from the fruit bowl." I start going towards the bowl. "(Y/N)!" Todd sounds annoyed but I don't really care at the moment. I look at the other side of the bowl and saw a borrower stuck to the side of the bowl. They were tangled in sticky clear sting that's nearly impossible to see in the dark. But this wasn't any borrower, this was one of The Banished.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" I don't care if I'm being loud, they're in trouble. "Dose it look like I'm ok?" They snapped. Jugging by their voice, I'm going to say they're a girl. "Let me help you." This was a big rule breaker for us, but I don't give a shit right now. She used to be one of us. I take a glass shard I found years ago out of my bag and start cutting the string. She fell to the floor and gave a hiss of pain. "What's hurt?" Todd says slightly panicked. "My leg. I think I broke it." She answered. "Um, ok. Where is your colony?" I ask. If I get her back home, they can take care of her. "That way." She points by the fridge. "Todd you gotta help me carry her." He nods and we put her arms around our necks and carry her back. We go as fast as we can, but when we're five feet, (giant size) away from the fridge, we're surrounded by The Banished. "Elder Carla, I need help!" The borrower between us yells out. A rather old looking tiny came out. She wore a large brown hood, and skin tight clothes. Her grey hair came just above her shoulders, and her green eyes could see your soul. She looked really sexy for an old lady. "Alice what happened?" Elder Carla asks rushing to us. "I was getting food but the damn thing was booby trapped!" The Elder took Alice from Todd and I, "Thank you so much. We are in your debt." And with a little hand signal from her, they rushed back into hiding. "We should get back." Todd says. I agree with him and we rush back home.

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