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I can't believe what happened tonight! We were so close to getting stuck in that trap, and we met The Banished! I mean, from what the Elders told us, they were extremely dangerous and would literally eat you, or just kill you for fun. Todd and I get back to the hole and walk to the official entrance, but two look outs were there. "Hey, what's up fellas?" I ask as we come closer to them. The taller of the two speaks, "The Elders have been informed that the two of you helped a Banished and here by banish you." For a moment, the world stopped, "What do you mean?" Todd asks enraged. "You are no longer allowed in the colony and will be killed if you try to return." The shorter one answers. "What about our stuff?" Really. That's what I have to say? What a stupid question! "You no longer have anything in your name." Mr.Tall answers. "Now leave!" They grab our arms and drag us out to the hole and with a hard shove, we're out of the wall. I sit in complete shock. "Did that just happen?" Todd says just above a whisper. As the reality of the situation hits me, I feel my eyes begin to sting. "I got us banished." "What? No you didn't!" Todd yells, but it sounds so...distant. I mean this situation was no big loss for me. I had no family left Todd is my only friend and I was ok with not being apart of the clan, but Todd? He doesn't deserve this! "What are we gonna do?" I ask myself out loud. "We could go to The Banished." I look up at Todd. He holds out his hand. I take it and we go to the fridge.

"What brings you two back?" Elder Carla greats us with a smile, but if you look closely at it, you can tell it was fake, and it was because she knew the answer to her question. "We got banished for helping that borrower, Alice was it?" Todd says. Now Elder Carla shows the guilt she feels. "I'm so sorry that happened to you both. You are more then welcomed to join us." "Thank you so much Elder Carla." I thank her. She hugs me, "No, thank you. You help us when you knew it was against your rules. That takes a whole lot of courage." I hug her back. When we release each other she gives a mischievous grin, "Now I assume you two would like to be borrowers?" Todd smiles, "Yeah. (Y/N)'s the best the clan has ever seen! If you ask me, it was completely idiotic for them to ban her." He crosses his arms in anger. She lets out a light chuckle. "Well then, you have a job. Alice was supposed to grab a few more things, you wouldn't mind, would you?" I smile at the Elder, "Of course not. In fact we have some food!" We hand her our bags, "Wonderful! But this unfortunately isn't enough. Could you do another trip?" "Of course." Todd answers, "Splendid! Could you also try to snag some toothpicks?" I smirk and give her a dismissive wave, "As long as I'm a tiny." "Well then, you best be off." And she sends us back out. We repeat what we did before, which was easy considering the giants here never clean up after themselves. The only real problem would be the toothpicks because the container was about our height. After we finish with collecting crumbs, we go towards the toothpicks. "So how are we gonna do this?" Todd thinks for a minute, "You could stand on my hands and I could give you a boost." I agree as we stand in front of the toothpick holder. Todd cups his hands together and I step into them. You wouldn't believe it by how thin he is, but he's a pretty strong guy. He lifts me up no problem and I grab as many toothpicks as I can. I have about ten years n total when I jumped down. "Think that's enough?" I scratch my head looking at Todd for an answer. He just nods. We each carry five and start heading back to our new home, when a blinding light came on. Out of shock I dropped the toothpicks, while Todd's clutching then. Once our eyes adjust, we see the hallway light was on and the door was wide open. There was a slight ring in the room. My heart fell into my stomach once I realized who entered the room. I have no idea where he was, or if he even knew we were there. "Todd, don't go home. Hide." I whisper, hoping he heard me. I slowly move closer to the wall and thankfully Todd does the same. I am so glad that he's not an air head. I hear a beep from behind us and look over to see a silhouette of a man making a coffee. He doesn't seem to be looking at us, so I'm gonna assume he hasn't spotted us yet. We reach the wall and hide ourselves in the shadows, neither of us dared to speak. I keep my eyes on the silhouette. Todd taps my shoulder, I look over to him and see him pointing at the toothpicks I left. "Shit." I whisper. Shit! I quickly cover my mouth and look back at the giant, only to see him gone. From the opposite direction I hear something being lifted. I look over to see the silhouette more clearly, and to my expectation, it was Darkiplier. I see he has the fruit bowl in his hands and was studying it. He placed it back down and looks over the counter top. Todd and I hug the wall, begging he hasn't seen us. He walks over to the pile of toothpicks and picks them up. I hold my breath. We're going to get caught by the boogie giant, and it's all my fault. What feels like years, he dismissively passes them and leaves, shutting the door behind him. We stand against the wall for a bit longer, just to be sure, until I run out and grab the things that almost got us caught. As soon as they were in my arms, we run back to our new home.

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