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Todd and I have been living here for a week now. Julian has been hanging out with me nonstop, I think Todd's getting jealous about the whole thing. He's been giving Julian weird looks when he thinks neither of us are looking, but I've seen it a few times. At the moment, Todd and I were sitting in our living room and I decided to finally ask him. "Hey Toddler?" He looks over with an unamused expression, Julian gave him the nickname, "I was wondering, what do you think of Julian?" He scrunches his noise and looks away, "He's nice." I sigh, "Well then why do you give him dirty looks all the time?" He looks at me again. "I don't know he just seems...too perfect." I laugh, "Really? Too perfect. I didn't think there was such a thing." I lean on my hand. Todd rubs his face, "I mean he has no visible flaws. Isn't that weird?" I shrug. "Remember when we watched TV and a guy who seemed too perfect was a complete lunatic!" He started to raise his voice. I fidget with my fingers, "That's TV, not real life." I say quietly. "I'm sure Julian is nice, but if he had some flaws, I'd feel better." After an awkward moment of silence, Julian walks in, "Hey there guys!" he gives a warm smile. We greet him back. "Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you for a moment," he pauses and looks at Todd, "in private?" he finished. "Sure, we'll be right back Todd." I get up and we walk out. "So what's up?" I lean against my house as Julian looks like he's about to vomit. "I know this might seem sudden, and we've only known each other for a week, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime. Just the two of us." I tilt my head, "Like a date?" He smiles that heart melting smile, "Yeah." I return the smile, "What do you have in mind?"

Time skip to the date!

The moon was up and I didn't have to borrow tonight, but I was super nervous. "I can't believe this. Todd I actually have a date!" I hug him. "Of course you do (N/N), you're a catch!" Todd hugs me back. "Thanks, it's just that someone finally likes me!" I begin to jump up and down. We hear a knock on our door. I rush to open it. There Julian stood in a nice red silk like shirt with black pants.

I wore a simple black dress

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I wore a simple black dress.

"Wow (Y/N), you look gorgeous

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"Wow (Y/N), you look gorgeous." I tuck some of my hair behind my ear, "You're not so bad yourself." He smiles and holds out his hand, "Shall we my lady?" I take his hand, "We shall." And just like that, we went off into the night.

Wilford's POV

It's about two in the morning and I just can't fall asleep. I haven't seen (Y/N) or Todd in a week. Last I saw them they were kicked out of their home because they helped another borrower, but lucky they were accepted into the I don't know what they call it. Are they ok? I hope so. This is Dark's fault. He was the one who set up that stupid trap, all because he wanted to see a borrower. Just then I get a notification on my phone. I look to see what it was and nearly jumped out bed. They're back! I unlocked my phone and go to the security cameras. After (Y/N) and Todd got the boot, I had Guard add sound to the kitchen so I could hear what happens. There I see (Y/N) in a fabulous black dress with some guy in a red shirt. What are they up to?

(Y/N)'s POV

We walk around the kitchen countertop for a bit. "So one of the giants always forgets this mini magic box here. I figured out how it works and...well you'll see." He smiles at me as we get to the edge of the counter. Julian goes to the caffe machine and sticks his hand under it, only to pull out a rope. He drags it over to the edge and throws it over. "Lady's first." I look at the rope with hesitation, but go down anyway with Julian following. We retch the floor and he takes my hand once again. We go in the corner and I see a phone. This must be the mini magic box he was taking about. We go towards the phone and he unlocks it. I found the password humorous. It was 'Google is stupid', and one of the giants was named Google. As soon the phone was opened, Julian went straight to this thing called 'YouTube'. He pressed the screen like a million times but soon the quiet room was filled with sweet music. Julian took my hand and placed the other on my hip, as I placed my free hand on his shoulder. This was like a romantic scene in a TV show.

Wilford's POV

Well I'll be damned. The munchkin got herself a date! I sat in bed just watching the two dance the night away. By the time they went home it was about four thirty. I wonder who the guy was though. I shrug it off and decide to get ready for the day.

Time skip

I arrive at the office and go to my room. I spend a couple of hours planning on ways to takeover Marks channel when there's a knock on the door. "Come in!" I sing. And wouldn't you know it, Dark comes in. "Hello Wilford." "Good morning my good friend! What brings you to my humble abode today?" He starts talking about all the shit that needs to get done and I half listen. It's very boring and you don't want to hear- sorry, read about it. While Dark is talking I fidget with a pink pen, "So have you seen your tiny friend lately?" I drop the pen. "And why do you care?" I hiss. "Well I've noticed you haven't talked about them in a while, I grew worried." I raise my eyebrow in doubt. He walks up to and leans on my desk, "I reviewed the kitchen security cameras from last night. Did you notice your little friend had her own little date? I wonder if that's the reason you haven't been seeing her lately." He gets up and walks out the door but not before saying, "Oh well. Good luck with the schemes."

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