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Wilford's pov

Agh. Another day at the office. Hopefully I find my phone, I left it here last night. I think it's in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and sure enough my phone was on the countertop. I grab it and check its battery life. 15% not bad, not good, but not bad. I go to my office and plug it in. The phone buzzes telling me it's charging. I sit in my chair not sure what to do. I could do my work like Dark wants, or I could look at some of the pictures I saved to my phone. Deciding with the second I open up my phone and go to my photo gallery. Gallery. Such a fun word. Focusing on my phone I notice two new additions. I click on the first one which was a photo. The photo had three incredibly small people, two girls and one boy. The boy was in mid scream, one of the girls were falling, but the second girl looked like a deer in headlights. A look of wonder and fear in her eyes. I slid over to the next entry which was a video. I hit play."What'd you do?" The boy asks causing the second girl to shrug. The first girl walks up, "Did you break it?" The second girl stares at the first blankly and turns to the boy. "Can I please push her off?" She says just loud enough for the boy and I to hear. I laugh as the boy goes wide eyed, "No!" As the two have this conversation the first girl is playing with her hair and is making weird faces into the camera. "Can I beat her with my shoe?" The boy face palms. "No, (Y/N). You can't hurt Stephanie in any way, shape, or form." (Y/N). What a lovely name. The first girl looks like she'd be a Stephanie. "Oh there's a timer!" Stephanie yells, causing (Y/N) and the boy to look back at her. After a second or two (Y/N) walks closer to the phone. "Would you look at that?" The boy soon follows and stands beside (Y/N), "What do you think it's counting?" "How are we suppose to know Todd!" So his name was Todd. "What happens if we press the button again?" And with that the video ended. I frown. They were funny. I wonder if Google has any security footage from last night? At the thought I jump out of my chair and go to find Google. After a while I finally find him. "Hey Google I have a question for ya." He stops and raises his eyebrow, telling me to ask the question. "So I was wondering if you have any security footage from last night?" "Yes I do." "Great, can I see it?" He groans. "Follow me."

He leads me to a room in the back where Guard is, who for some reason refuses to work between midnight and six am. "Hey boys, what can I do for ya?" He asks in a cheerful but carful tone. Google looks at me, "What room and what time?" "Kitchen and around..." I look at the time stamp on the photo, "12:34am" Guard presses a few buttons and the screen shows us the kitchen at 12:34am. I smile. I see the tiny people messing with my phone. "What the hell are those?!" Guard asks begging to freak out. "They appear to be borrowers. Small people that live in the walls of buildings. They survive by taking small amounts of food and other supplies from they buildings they stay at." Google explains to us. "Interesting..." I mumble. Guard seems ready to run, "A-are they dangerous?" He stutters. "No, they are quite harmless. They are more afraid of us than we are of them." Google states. "Can you see where they came from?" I ask Guard. He nods and his fingers glade across the keyboard and the video begins to move backwards. He stops when the three borrowers clime in- or out of the cupboard. "Can you zoom in?" I ask. Google gives me a weird look. Guard presses a button and instantly the video is focused on only the three tiny people. My face lights up. "One more thing Guard. Is it possible for an alert to be sent to my phone whenever the cameras see her?" I point to (Y/N). I like her, she's funny. Now it was Guards turn to give a weird look. After a minute or so of him pressing keys he says that it's was done. I smile gladly and watch the security tape from last night.

The three of us just watch (Y/N), Todd, and Stephanie go around the kitchen collecting what they needed. For most of the video Stephanie was complaining. I wanted to strangle this girl, but I noticed a mischievous look in (Y/N)'s eyes "Hey Stephanie you should stop your complaining unless you want to end up like our last partner." "What parter?" Stephanie asks. An evil smirk crept onto (Y/N)'s face. "You know, the one you replaced." (Y/N) says like it was obvious, "What happened?" Stephanie asks, (Y/N) slowly walks over to the small blonde, "Well they may or may not have complained a little to much for my liking, and a giant may or may not have been in the room, and I may or may not have pushed them into the giants line of sight, and the giant may or may not of had a very negative reaction, ending in our partners death." Stephanie froze while Todd took (Y/N) off to the side, "What the hell (Y/N)! Larry didn't die because of a giant, he retired!" Oh, so there's more of them..."Oh Todd, Todd, Todd. You know that, and I know that, but she doesn't know that." What a little devil! Dark would like her...An evil smirk creep onto the girls face as walked away from her friend. "So! Any complaints?" Stephanie looked horrified and rapidly shook her head. I'm starting to like this girl more and more by the minute! Too bad she was so small. "What's this?" Stephanie asks, pulling me out of thought. (Y/N) sighs and turns around. Stephanie was pointing at my phone. "Oh! The giants have these all the time! I think they call them, ah...phones." Todd finally speaks."Let's move it!" (Y/N) shouts, making the other two move my phone. She slowly walks up to it and touches the button to turn it on. I see my candy filled background light up the room. "Wow." (Y/N) mumbles. Stephanie touches the picture and it changes to show the three of them instead. "Ah! What'd you do!" (Y/N) yells. "I just slid it over!" She shouts back. Todd walks up to my phone and taps the camera button. The flash was on, temporary blinding them. Stephanie fell to the ground while Todd jumped back a bit, screaming as he did, and (Y/N) just stood their frozen. She walks a bit closer to the phone, pressing something. "What'd you do?" Ah, this is where the video started. I don't really at attention at this part until I hear, "What happens if we press the button again?" Todd pushes the video button causing it to stop recording. "Aw! Ya broke it!" (Y/N) yells. "Sorry!" Todd puts his tiny hand up in defence. "It's fine, but let's put the phone back and go home." (Y/N) says. They put my phone back and head back to the cupboard. I smile at the video and leave. I close the door and hear Guard ask, "Why did you think he wanted the alerts?" "It's Wilford. Does anything he does seem to have a logical reasoning behind it?" There's a moment of silence before Google continues, "He's most likely interested that there are borrowers here and he had no idea before last night. Give it a week or so and he'll probably be trying to kill the three." Ow, that kinda hurts. But I can't blame him for thinking that. The first part was right, I was fascinated by the borrowers, but mostly (Y/N). She seemed pure, but also deadly. I would LOVE to meet her. Maybe in the near future.

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