So long Julian

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Darkiplier's POV

I wait for Wilford in my office. I don't expect him to show up for a while, after all it's an hour drive from his house to here to the office and I only called him twenty minutes ago. I grab a pen bringing it to some forms, when the door slams open. "I'm here!" Wilford sings. I take a deep breath. I don't even want to know how many people he possibly killed to get here within twenty minutes. "Hello Wilford." I stand up, grabbing the jar. Wilford is practically jumping with excitement. "So Dark what's the plan?"

Wilford's POV

At my words Dark gives his classic smirk. Oh my dear reader, this is gonna be beautiful! I've been reading your comments instead of working because work sucks, and I absolutely love that you hate Julian as mush and Dark and I! Some of you suggested shooting him, but Dark says to many things could break if we use guns in the office. He's such a party pooper. You fire a gun and the bullet just so happens to hit the tv one time and than BAM! New rule. Oh shit I'm not supposed to break the fourth wall. Do you think duck tape would fix it? Ah what ever, to late now. Back to the story!

Dark walks to the open door, letting me go through first. He locks the door behind him, as if someone would be stupid enough to break into his office.

As we walk down the hallways I notice his whistling and his overall joyful mood. Dark throws the jar to the beet of what ever song he's whistling. I can't remember the last time I've seen him like this, mind you I can't remember much of anything these days. I giggle at my own forgetfulness and bump into Dark, not noticing he stoped. "Wilford if you could open the door." I look at where we are's my office? Why would he come to my office, he hates it! I give a sceptical look as I open my office. He pats my back and walks in.

I shut the door behind me. "So Dark, what are we doing in my office?" Smirk upon his face, he points behind me. I turn around to see the dart board on the back of the door. I turn back to him with my own smirk. He takes Julian out of the jar and pins the back of the ass holes shirt on the board. I grab six darts off my desk and hand half to Dark. We stand at the opposite side of the room and Dark gestures me to go first. I bring my first dart to my face and begin to line up my shot. Julian is trying to unpin his shirt which I can't help find humerus. I mean, even if he gets unpinned, he still has a nothing below him but floor. If the fall magically doesn't kill him, he'll still have dozens of broken bones. "You know, I don't remember (Y/N) being as scared as he is." Dark complains, "In fact she seemed more focused on a realistic way to escape." "You should have seen how she was when I first caught her! She was so pissed." I chuckle, "But she's definitely a thinker." I say to Dark as I throw the dart. I hear him scream as it plunges into his little leg. Dark begins to repeat my movements. "Indeed she is." He mumbles, throwing his dart. The dart lands into Julian's left shoulder. "Almost got him in the head there!" My words drown in excitement. "What do you think she saw in it?" He leans against the wall. I remember back to the first time Dark and I saw him on the camera's, "Well he was very charming with their date. Maybe he wasn't always terrible to her." I throw my second dart, but miss. "When did you start disliking the abomination?" Dark takes his shot and hit Julian in his other leg. Julian screams and begs for us to let him go and how he'll change. It's obviously bull shit, so we ignore him. "When Todd taked about him. He said that whenever Julian was around, he felt like death was right behind." I aim and fire my dart and hit his dart free arm. "What about you Dark? I thought borrowers were pests?" Dark begins to aim, "They are." I fold my arms, "Then why do you speak so fondly of (Y/N)?" Dark freezes for a moment before throwing his last dart. It stabs just above Julian's hip. I can see him tense up at the pain. "She seems smarter and more patient than the others. She can identify a trap of mine within seconds and avoid it completely. She dose daring things, but if she feels like it may cost her life, she won't take the risk." I take a moment to process what Dark just said. It dose make sense. She can hide from us, outthink us, and sometimes outrun us. She feels safer with us than with a trap that we set. It's quite humorous. I throw my last dart. Bullseye! Right through the skull! I prance you to the dartboard and collect my darts. "Good game! We should play again sometime." I turn towards Dark and he has his 'I'm thinking' face on. "What is it?" I place the darts back on my desk. "It's a shame." He looks out the window, you know, like the drama queen he is. "Todd and (Y/N) will never fully trust us." I tilt my head. "What do you mean? Of course they trust us!" "Wilford, it's basic facts. We are giants to them. We can kill them at any moment. They may trust us, but that fact will always linger in the back of their mind." Great, now I'm bummed out. I glance around the room when my eyes land on my calendar. One date in particular stands out. I smile as a plan begins to form.


I'm so sorry I missed February. Something with my family came up and I just couldn't find the time to write. But I finally finished what was supposed to be last months chapter. Thank you all for waiting! ❤️

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