The mall (bonus)

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It's been about a week since Todd and I could go back and fourth between sizes. It makes life so much easier. We told Alice everything the moment we returned! She didn't really believe us so we showed her and my goodness I've never seen someone go so pale so fast. After she fainted we swore never to size-shift in front of her again.

Todd and I are having a picnic outside (Wilford and Dark said it was ok to use their food). The suns beaming down on us and we couldn't be happier. In the distance I notice the previously mentioned boys coming towards us. "Good afternoon Todd, (Y/N)." Dark greets. Wilford smiles at us which is automatically suspicious. He's usually the first to say hi. "Alright. What's up?" Todd questions as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. Dark looks at Wilford, "You're a dead giveaway." Wilford waves him off before pulling Todd and I off our blanket. "We're going to the mall! We kinda realized you've been wearing the same thing since like day one, and thought we'd give you two some variety!" Wilford begins to drag us inside, "This sounds exciting!" I bump my elbow into Todd's arm before he asks, "What's 'the mall'?" "The mall is a building where you trade special paper called money for a variety of items." Dark explains to us as we wonder through the halls. Wilford opens the door to one of the rooms we weren't allowed in. Todd and I give Dark a worried glance only for him to give an approving nod. The four of us enter the room to see it's filled with a variety of different coloured boxes with wheels. "These machines are called cars. They help us go from one place to another." Man giants have such fun trinkets. Dark walls up to a black car, opening a door near the rear. Wilford jumps up behind us wrapping his arm around our shoulders. "You see you two go in the back, while Darkiemoo and I go in the front." He shoves is I to the car before adding, "And put on the seatbelts!" And with that he slams the door. Dark further explains how seatbelts are and why they're important. Once he's finished he starts the car and music starts playing. "How did you do that?" Todd leans closer to see what Dark's doing. We begin our journey as Wilford and Dark explain all the functions of cars. It takes about an hour to get to the mall, but it's totally worth it! The building is even bigger than the office which I didn't know was possible. Every room was called a store and is different from the last. Todd stays close to the boys while I try to explore before Wilford pulls me towards them. "Now you listen here (Y/N), the mall is a big place and it's easy to get lost. Stick with us ok." I nod but Wilford still holds my hand. Surprisingly I don't mind, it's kinda comforting.

I don't know how long we've been here, but I'm having a blast! We got a bunch of new clothes in so many colours. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to go to that store." Dark points to a fancier store awaiting for our answer. Wilford looks like he's about to object, so I quickly make my way over to the store, dragging the pink man with. We enter the store and it's filled with dresses and suits. Something catches Wilford's eye in the tie section dragging Todd with him instead of me. "How about we find you a dress?" Dark puts his hand on my waist as he guide me to some dresses. "Why would I need a dress?" I ask looking at a hideous red gown. "Sometimes we get invited to more formal events where it's a requirement to dress up." Dark holds up a navy blue dress to me before putting it back. "I don't really like any of these dresses." I think out loud. "I agree. You don't seem to be a dress kind of girl." Dark begins looking on a different rack before pulling out what seems to be a shirt and pants connected together by lace. The lace also seems to act as some sort of necklace.

"How about this?" I examine the outfit closer before smiling, "I love it, what is it called?" "I believe this is what they call a jumper

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"How about this?" I examine the outfit closer before smiling, "I love it, what is it called?" "I believe this is what they call a jumper." He hands the jumper to me and tells me to try it on. I do so and immediately fall in love with it. I walk out of the change room to show it off. Wilford whistles reviving a slap to the back of the head from Dark. Todd walks up to me, "You look amazing." My smile spreads across my face. "I feel amazing." We quickly hug before I change into my original clothes. Dark buys the jumper for me along with a red tie. Wilford buys Todd a suit and himself yet another pink bow tie. We walk back to the car, Wilford and Todd ahead of Dark and I chatting away to one another. "I'm glade they get alone." I say. Dark hums in agreement. "Ever since he's met you he seems more grounded." I look at Dark to see him studying Wilford. "If you ask me, you're good for him. He seems genuinely happy for once." I look at Wilford and his massive smile. "I think we're all good for one another." I give Dark a hug before we catch up to the others.


Ok now I'm done. To think I started this when I was 17. In all honesty I wanted to publish the last two chapters on my birthday. (This is my very subtle way of telling you that 19 years ago I was born) MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Anyways stay awesome my readers, and if you want to check me out on any other social media, just search up 'Alara dragonlover' I'm very creative with user names!

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