House rules

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I wake up and luckily Julian's gone. I hop out of bed and start getting ready for the day. As I begin getting ready for the day, I notice a dark purple bruise around my neck. I decide to put on a scarf to cover it up and finish getting ready. It takes no time at all until I'm out of the house and heading to see Elder Clara. I spot her speaking to Alice. I see that Alice's leg was healed and she was smiling away. "Umm, Elder Clara? I have to talk to you." I mumble looking at my feet. She looks over at me, "Is it about how you will no longer be borrowing?" I shot my head up, "How'd you know?" She gives an apologetic smile, "Julian and I spoke earlier." I slowly nod, "Oh." Alice looks confused, "Wait, are you two a thing?" I nod and for a moment she looks horrified. Does she know? She goes to say something but is interrupted, "Well we'll let you be on your way!" Elder Clara smiles and shoos me away. Do they all know! I bump into someone, "Sorry." I mumble out. "Hey (Y/N)!" I notice it's Todd. I immediately smile, finally a friendly face. "Oh hey Todd!" "Were you ok last night? You didn't say anything, which is unlike you." I rub the side of my arm, "I guess I was a bit on edge about moving with Julian." He looks at me with a worried look, "Why?" "It's just my first actual relationship. The only people I've ever lived with were my parents and you." Its not a lie, just not the whole truth. "So, any plans for today?" He questions. I want to tell him, but now doesn't seem like the time, "Nope. Hey we should visit Wilford!" I expect to see his face drop, but he smiles, "Alright!" And he starts walking. I'm stunned. "Wait, no objections?" He shakes his head, "I actually talked to him on my own a while ago and he doesn't seem as scary." He pauses for a moment, "Would I want to be near him when he's upset? Absolutely not! But, when calm, I'll totally hangout with him." I can't help but smile. "Well I'm glad you two are getting along." We exit out of the hole in the wall and enter the kitchen. We wait for a few moments and Wilford comes in, "(Y/N)! Long time no see! How's my favourite borrower?" Him saying that title stung a bit, but I quickly brush it off. "As well as I can be!" I give an empty smile. "Well what's new with you? Todd told me you got yourself a boyfriend." My smile almost fades but I keep it up, "Yeah, we moved in together yesterday." Wilford gives a smirk, "Really?" I could tell what he was getting at. I swear that's all boys think about, "Yeah, but he likes to go to bed early. By the time I get home from borrowing, he's asleep." Wilford frowns, "Well that's no fun." Todd and I chuckle. You just can't help but smile around him, he just radiates joy. "You must bring Julian around! I would just love to meet him." I rub my arm, "Y-yeah. I'm sure he'll be excited to meet you too." Todd notices my nerves and asks, "Is everything alright?" Panic fills me and I blurt out, "Everything's fine!" I mentally face palm. If I were Todd, I would never believe me. They both give me a sceptical look, but don't push. "I should probably start heading home. I still got lots of unpacking to do." I lie. I just lied to my only friends. "It was nice seeing you again Wilford! I'll visit you soon." He gives a wide smile, "As always, it was a pleasure." He gives a little bow and we go our separate ways.

On the way back Todd looks over at me, "So, what's wrong?" "What do you mean?" I play dumb. "You were acting weird when Wilford brought up Julian." I search my mind for something, anything to change the topic. Then it hit me. I take a deep breath, "I'm not gonna borrow anymore." I say it as fast as possible. I see a wave of sadness wash over him. "What?" He breathes out. We stop walking. "I'm not borrowing anymore Todd." I can't look him in the eye, if I do, I might cry. "Why?" Without thinking I say, "Julian thinks it's a bad idea." "Julian!" The sudden noise rise makes me jump. "You're gonna quite something you're amazing at, and love doing, because Julian disagrees with it!" I shrug. "What are you gonna do?" He asks in a softer tone, but I could still tell he was irritated. "I have no idea." I hear him sigh and begins walking. I look up and jog towards him. "Come on, cheer up! It's not like we'll never hang out." I try to look at his face, but he had it turned to the side. The rest of the walk was in silence. I hated it. At this point Todd's the only thing keeping me sane. He'll work fine, he's tuff that way. "(Y/N), my love!" Oh no. Todd's head spins around and anger was radiating off of him. "Toddler! How are you?" Todd stomps up to Julian and without hesitation punches him in the jaw, causing Julian to fall flat on his ass. "You told her she can't borrow anymore!" Todd screams. Julian looks completely shocked, hell I'm shocked! I had no idea Todd could throw such a wicked punch! Julian grabs his jaw and moves it a bit. "That's really none of your business Todd." Julian stands up and glares at me. "Bullshit! She's my partner-" "Not anymore. She quit." Julian tightly grabs my wrist and pulls me away, "Now if you will excuse me, we will be in our way."

Julian opens the door to the house and throws me in. I loose all balance and land on my face. "Why would you tell him I told you to quite!" My mind can't form any words, I just back away from him. "Are you going somewhere?" His voice is laced with anger, I can't help but shake. He walks over to me and pulls me up by my scarf, causing me to loose my breath. "You will no longer visit Todd, or leave this house without me!" I nod, despite for air. If I just agree with him, he'll calm down. He smiles at me, "Good." He lets go and I collapse on the fool, gasping for air.

I'm supper sorry this chapter it late, but here it is! Hope you enjoy it.

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