Another home

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I shift uncomfortably within his grasp. "He ugh...fell into a mouse trap?" I see Darkiplier slowly smile, "Believable yet creative... I like it." I nervously smile. He picks up the jar and holds it in between the two of us. Julian is facing me, banging on the glass. He's screaming at me to help him. He doesn't look scared, just angry; so I flip him off. I hear Darkiplier chuckle. Darkiplier then lightly throws the jar into the air, catching it on its way down. "Well I'll let you go on with your day." He puts his hand on the counter so I could get down. I slid off his hand and look back at him. "I'm going to go and enjoy my new toy." He lightly shakes the jar with a smile and walks away, humming to himself. As the door closes behind him, I run to the hole by the toaster. I slide into the hole and into Alice, knocking her down. "Well hello." Alice says out of breath. "Oh my god I'm sorry!" I hold my hand out and help her up. Once Alice is back on her feet, I'm tackled with a hug from Todd. "I thought you were gonna die again; would you stop that!" He practically yells in my ear. "I don't mean to! It just kinda happens." I retort. "Not that I don't love the reunion, but we need to do something about Elder Clara." I look at Alice completely confused. Todd pulls away from me with a look of sadness mixed with anger, "Elder Clara was going to leave to. She wanted to help Julian." The words sting a bit, but I do realize Julian is her grandson. "She's been protecting that slime ball for years. She doesn't see everyone as equals and will take her anger out on you." Alice doesn't take her eyes off of me for a second. "Well what do you think we should do?" Todd asks. Alice lets out a sigh, "As much as it pains me to say this, we need to run." One word in particular stands out to me, "What do you mean 'we'?" Alice looks at the ground, as if ashamed of the words to come next. "Elder Clara will blame all of us for Julian's demise even though she knows who is to blame. Either we go back and get banished, or we run." Before I can react Todd jumps in, "What if we just explained what happened?" Alice takes a deep breath, "Elder Clara has been in charge for years. They won't care if she is corrupted, they're afraid of change." I place a hand on Todd's shoulder, "Sorry I got us kicked out of another clan." He just shrugs. "That's fine. The only cool person there was Alice." He gives her a his sweet smile, to which both Alice and I roll our eyes. "Well the only question now is, where are we gonna live?" Alice taps her chin in thought. We look over the kitchen before I get an idea, "What about under the shelves by the edge?" I point in the direction to give them a better idea of where I'm talking about. They nod in agreement, "I can see that being a livable place." Alice remarks. We start walking towards the area to get a better look at it.

It doesn't take long to get there, or find a hole. I go in first and see a huge open area. "Holy shit." Todd murmurs. I see Alice enter and the shock consume her, "This place is a lot bigger than I thought." We begin to wonder around our new home. There were a few different areas. There was the first room you enter, which would be the living room, a room off to the side which we decided it's going to be the kitchen, and three smaller rooms that would be used for our bedrooms. It was perfect! It's kinda weird how perfect it is. "I say we rest now; it's been an eventful night." Alice begins, but than looks around the room, "We can find stuff tomorrow." We say good night to one another and go into our rooms. Mine, like the others, is completely empty. I sit in the corner and get comfortable. It's nice not having Julian beside me 24/7. I chuckle to myself, but then a dark thought comes to mind. What's Darkiplier going to do to Julian? I mean I hate Julian and all, but know I have face to go with all the horror stories I've heard. Before I would just imagine a tiny shaped blob and I wouldn't care, but know! Eek! Sends a shiver down my spine. I sit in my corner just thinking of all the things that could be happening. I think it's safe to say, I'm not sleeping tonight.

Darkiplier's POV

I walk down the halls with a skip in my step, much like Wilford would. I slide into my office, putting the jar on top of my desk and taking out my phone. I decide to phone Wilford and tell him about my little adventure tonight. I sit at my desk, grab the jar, kick my feet up, and examine the creature inside its glass prison. The phone doesn't ring to long before my pink friend answers.
"Hello Dark!" He sounds surprisingly wide awake.
"Hello Wilford." I go to say more but he interrupts me,
"So I saw you on camera with (Y/N)!" I forgot we had cameras in the kitchen.
"So you saw the prize I recited?" I hear him chuckle.
"But of course! Tell me, dose he look scared?" I twist the jar in my hand and smirk at the tiny inside.
"It's trembling." Wilford let's out a joyous laugh.
"Splendid!" Before he can say anymore I begin to speak.
"So I know you despise this rat more than I. Would you care to join me in a game I plan to play with it?"
Wilford gasps taking in so much air I swear his lungs could have exploded then and there.
"I'll be there in like, thirty minutes!" And hangs up the phone. I place my phone on the table and my feet on the floor. I place my head in my hand and stare at the tiny. "You're going to love what I have in store for you~" The tiny looks like he's going to vomit at my words. I place him on my desk and do some paperwork while I wait for Wilford to arrive.

Happy new year guys! I hope everyone has an amazing year. So I had a bit of trouble trying to find out what Dark will do to Julian, so I asked a friend to help me think of something, and I can say, that out of all the G/T fanfics I read, I've never come across something like this. The funny thing is that she only said, and I quote, "K n I f e" (we were texting) and I was like, "Idea!" So thanks for XChaosNovax and her randomness! Also the first speaking line of the chapter was given to me by @CookieGoonienumber2  Anyway I can't wait for you guys to read what happens next.

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