True colours

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(Y/N)'s POV
The moment I got home I told Todd everything, "It was just so...romantic." I let out a deep sigh and flop onto my bed. Todd just stayed quite. I sit up and look at him. "Still don't trust?" He nods. I place my head in my hand in defeat. "Well I guess I can't make you like him. That's a bummer." I flop onto my bed once more. I start thinking about the last month before smiling to myself. "I can't believe how much our life's changed. First we befriend a giant, then get kicked out of our home, get welcomed into a new one, and to end it all off, I finally have a boyfriend." Todd hums in agreement. I spring off my bed in sudden realization, "I have to tell Wilford! I haven't seen the guy in forever!" Quickly I grab Todd's wrist and begin pulling him out of the house. We don't get far though because Julian calls my name. I stop, making Todd bump into me. I turn around and see Julian run up to us, "Hey (Y/N), I was wondering if you'd like to watch a movie with me?" Julian asks. I go to answer, but then look at Todd, I mean we were going to see Wilford. "Todd-" Julian cuts me off "Oh don't worry about Todd, he'll find someone else to bug." Julian slides Todd's hand out of mine and starts dragging me away. I look back at Todd and see him shrug at me as if to say 'It's fine.'

Todd's POV

As soon as they were out of sight I mindlessly walk around. What an asshole! I can't stand him. What does she even see in him? Don't worry about Todd, he'll fine someone else to bug. BUG! I don't bug (Y/N)! "Todd?" I come out of my daze to relies I was in the kitchen, and Wilford was standing in front of me. "Oh, hey there Wilford." Don't get me wrong, I like Wilford, but he's still a giant and I'm alone so he could do anything and get away with it. He tilts his head, "Not that I don't like you Todd, but where's (Y/N)?" I look away from Wilford with a sour face and cross my arms, "She's with her new boyfriend, Julian." My nerves quickly disappears. "Was that the lad she was dancing with last night?" I nod. I see Wilford smile out of the corner of my eye, "You don't like him, do you?" "Not one bit!" I shout, "I mean, since we got there he's been on her like a mouse on cheese! I can't spend anytime with her! He calls me Toddler all the time just to piss me off, and he acts like I'm some nuisance!" I sit down and place my head in my hands, "I just miss her." Wilford crouches down, "Well that's what happens when you get into a relationship." I look up at Wilford. "Well I don't like it." I hear him chuckle. "I don't know. It's just, every time I see him I get this sick feeling. And it's not jealousy, I know what that feels like. It's like when (Y/N) and I would go out and see a giant walk into the room." Wilford raises his eyebrow. "Whenever I saw a giant, I would get this feeling like death was just around the corner. It's not as bad with Julian, but it's there." Wilford slowly nods. "Well from the looks of the video from last night, he seems nice." I nod. "I can't disagree with that, but it's like a gut feeling. Like a wolf! They're beautiful and seem nice, but they'll tear you to pieces." I can see the shock on Wilford's face. "What?" I question. "I'm just shocked at how much you know when you live in the walls. How do you learn all of that?" I shrug, "I see and hear a bunch of things and just put two and two together to get a nice four." He chuckles once again. "Makes sense. Say do you want anything to eat?" I stand up, "I don't want to impose." He shakes his head with a bright smile, "Nonsense, I offered didn't I?" After giving it some thought I agree.

(Y/N)'s POV

Julian and I have been walking for awhile. I couldn't see Todd anymore and I was kinda peeved at Julian. "Um...Julian, I was kinda hoping to hang out with Todd today, you know just the two of us?" Julian stops walking and looks at me. "You can spend time with him when you borrow." "I really can't. We can't actually talk to each other without raising the risk of being spotted." I explain. "You've spent your whole life with him! Sorry if I want to be a good boyfriend and spend some time with my girlfriend." I see anger in his eyes. He's never been angry before. It's odd considering he's always so calm and collected. "There's nothing wrong with that but I already made plans with Todd!" I start to raise my voice a bit. "All you ever do is talk about Todd! Shut up about him already!" Julian yells. His face had a red hue to it and his hands were balled up onto fists. "I do not talk about him all the time!" I went to say more, but there was a sting to my face. He slapped me. Before I can respond, he grabs me by the caller and pulls me close to him. He had a dangerous look in his eyes and it sent fear down my spine, "Don't ever raise your voice to me." He lets go, but grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me deeper into the wall. What the hell? I see the hole up ahead indicating that we were almost at the break room. I try to break free from Julian's grip, but he completely lost it. His grip tightened, he turned me to face him but soon pushed me. I tumble back and hit my head hard against the wall, blacking out.

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