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I wake up bright and early! The sun is shining, birds are chirping, mischief to be had! I eat a piece of cereal and get dressed in a t-shirt made out of black cloth I found, a pair of jean shorts I got for my birthday, and runners I got at the market place. I grab my bag, another piece of cereal, and head out to Todd's place. I knock on his door. "Oh Todd! Open the door!" I hear foot steps from inside come to the door. I stand with a smile as the door slowly opens revealing Todd. "Really (Y/N)? I just barely woke up." "Oh get over it Todd." I say walking in. He closes the door and we sit at his table. I go in my bag and take out the extra cereal piece and hand it to him. He gladly takes it and munches it away to nothing. I sit back in the chair as he finishes getting ready. "So what's on for today's schedule?" He asks. "Well, you know the giant with the crown?" He nods. "Well he always turns on the magic box-" "You mean the TV?" He interrupts, "Yeah, he turns on the TV and watches all these funny things and I thought-" "We'd join him?" "Exactly!" He groans and rolling his eyes. We walk out the door, heading for the break room. It didn't take long before we arrived. See enough the crowned giant was in front of the TV watching the moving pictures. Todd and I find a good spot on a higher shelf and watch along.

Wilford's POV

I was doing some paperwork when my phone buzzed. Stealing a glance at it I see a notification saying 'B̤̈ö̤r̤̈r̤̈ö̤ẅ̤ë̤r̤̈ S̤̈p̤̈ö̤ẗ̤ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈!' I jumped out of my chair and go to the break room. I almost collide into the door, but I stop myself. I fix my hair for I don't know who else is behind the door and I don't want them to think I came here in a rush. I open the door and calmly walk in. I see King watching some cartoons. I ignore him and go to make coffee. I scanned the shelves for the tiny person until I spot four tiny legs dangling off the edge of a high shelf. "What are you doing King?" I ask my friend. He turns to face me, "Watching cartoons. Why?" "No reason. Oh, but Chief is looking for you. Something about you spreading peanut butter all over his kitchen at home." I tell him, leaning against the counter. His face fills with horror and he quickly runs out of the room. I laugh at his response. I look back at the spot the legs were, but they were gone. Well shit. Where did they go? I scan the shelves once again and see something moving behind a box on a much lower shelf.

Todd's POV

The pink man is here! I don't like him! HE'S TO UNPREDICTABLE! One moment he'll be your friend, the next, he has a GUN in your FACE! I start to hyperventilate. (Y/N)'s trying to calm me down but as she would say it, 'I am the embodiment of anxiety.' She shoves me behind a box and we hide. "Todd take a deep breath, everything is gonna be ok." And with that, THE BOX MOVES! And can you guess by who? THE PINK MAN! JDHDJOSKK! ...Ignore that. "Well hello there." His voice booms. I completely freeze, (Y/N) pulls me up and starts running with a tight grip on my wrist. We run in the general direction of the hole to our home but a giant hand blocks us. I fall flat on my ass and drag (Y/N) down with me. She glares at me but quickly gets up and tries to run again, still having a death grip on my wrist. "Oh now where do you think you're going?" Pink man says. I feel something grab my shirt and my feet leave the ground, "(Y/N)!" I yell. She looks back at me horrified.


I hear Todd call me so I turn to look at him. But what I saw sent chills down my spine. The pink man was lifting Todd off the ground by his shirt. I let go of his hand so I wouldn't be dragged with him and yelled, "TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!" Thankfully he listens and slides out of his shirt. I grab his hand once more and make a break for the entrance while the pink man is still processing what happened. By the time it clicks we are less than three inches from our home. "Wait!" He calls, but we don't and slide into the hole in the wall. We go to the right side of the hole. We take deep breaths as Todd stands I front of me. "We are NEVER doing that again!" I say sliding down the wall. Todd begins to laugh, "Oh so NOW you listen to me?" "Oh shut up." I say with a sideways grin. He returns a smirk and gives me his hand, "Come on, we should get going." I take his hand and use it to help me get up. "Hold on, I'm still catching my breath." I lean up against the wall. "Wow. I'm never running again." We chuckle but Todd stops short. "(Y-Y/N) move!" He yells pointing at the hole. I snap my head to it and see a giant finger blocking it. I freeze for a split second but snap out of it and go to run, but it was too late. The finger wrapped around my waist and began to pull me out of the wall. Todd ran at me, "Todd go get help!" I scream. He stops but it looks like he's trying to decide what to do. I'm fully out of the hole, Todd out of sight, and I'm way to high to be comfortable. I feel more fingers wrap around my lower half as I'm met with a pink moustache and big brown eyes.

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