The plan

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Still Wilford's POV

"What is it?" Dark's echoey voice breaks my train of thought. "You know how the Septiceye's are coming tomorrow?" "Of course." He seems puzzled by the sudden mention of them. I boost myself onto my desk, "Do you think Marvin has some sort of growing spell?" I see the realization in Darks eyes, "Of course! If they are our size, our threat level would decrease." He turns to me with a smile, "Every now and then you do come up with a brilliant idea." I bow. "Come. We must prepare for their arrival."


To no shock, I got no sleep. The only reason I left my room is because I heard someone moving about. I poke my head out to see Alice bringing a ton of things in. "Wow, you found all of this so soon?" I pick up cotton ball from a whole pile of them. She chuckles, "Nah, I snuck back into our old homes and took everything that we could use." I nod. "You want any help?" I offer. She looks around the room. "I guess you can start setting some things up. I gotta go back and grab a few more things, anything you or Todd desperately need?" I shake my head. "Be back in a gif." She gives a quick wave and exits the little hole. Judging by the size of the hole, you would never think it was a place a tiny could live. I guess that's why it was so empty. I start moving things around to make it more homey. It doesn't take to long for me to finish. Out of the corner of my eye I see Todd leaving his room. "Morning (N/N), how'd you sleep?" I scratch the back of my neck, "Honestly, I didn't get any." He nods as if he already knew it. "Yeah, I didn't think you would. It's kinda unsettling to have a face to those stories now." I sigh, "It's totally freaky." Todd looks around the room, "Hey, love what you've done with the place!" He smiles trying to lighten the mood. I return the smile, "Thanks, Alice has been coming and going all morning bringing stuff." He nods, "She's always gotta be doing something." I motion him to sit on the cotton ball couch so we can actually get comfortable. "So, when did you and Alice get so close?" Todd shrugs at me. "When you and Julian started dating. She kinda noticed I wasn't talking to anyone so she introduced herself." I feel bad for leaving him like that. "Todd I'm so sorry about that." He shrugs, "It's fine. Alice was the one who taught me how to fight actually!" I sit up straighter, "Really! You think she can teach me?" "You k ow you can just ask me right?" I turn and see Alice walking by with a bag full of food. "Ok, can you?" She smiles at me, "Sure thing kiddo. Just let me put the food away." And she walks into the kitchen.

Darkiplier's POV (mostly because I have no idea how to write a fight training scene)

Wilford and I had everything in place and were waiting for the Septiceye's to arrive. While we wait, Wilford rambles on about all the things he, (Y/N), and Todd could do when they're our size. Most of it's about them exploring the outdoors because as tinies they've never been outside the building. The only thing that stops Wilford from talking is the sudden knocking at the front door. I open the door to see the Septiceye's as expected.

"Welcome back everyone." I greet. Everyone says their hellos and goes off to visit the other egos, but before Marvin gets to far, Wilford grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "Hold on there magic kitten!" Wilford pulls Marvin close to him, putting his arm around the masked magician to make sure he doesn't go anywhere. "Dark and I need to ask you for a teeny tiny favour." He finishes his sentence by poking Marvins nose, or where his nose would be if not for the mask. "What can I do for you?" I smile at the fear in his voice he so desperately tries to hide. "Oh no need to be afraid Marvin." I lean against the wall to seem more relaxed, hoping it'll calm Marvin a bit. "Do you know about borrowers?" There's a sparkle in the magicians eyes. "Of course! They grow to be about three inches, live in walls of people's houses, and borrow whatever it is they need to survive." He pauses for a minute, as if he's just remembering who he's speaking with. "Why?" He tilts his head ever so slightly. Wilford begins walking to his office, Marvin still under his arm and me following behind, "Well you see my dear boy, Dark and I befriended a couple." Pure joy is radiating off of Marvin at Wilford's statement. "Really! What are they like?" Wilford looks over his shoulder at me, telling me it's my turn to speak. "Well you can meet them yourself if you like." Marvin snaps his head towards me, "Are you serious!" I smile at the young man, "Of course, you just have to do one thing in return." The excitement drains out of his body faster than I can snap my fingers. "What is it?" He says slowly knowing not to make blind deals. He obviously learnt that from Anti. "We want to be able to hang out with them as you would say, without them always being in danger." Marvin looks slightly confused. Wilford rolls his eyes, "Big Marvin. We want them to be our size." The boy nods now understanding. "I think I have a spell for something like that, I just have to check my books." He takes his wand out from his sleeve, says something in Latin that I don't quite catch, and his spell book appears in his hand. Marvin places the book on the table and flips through the pages.

Authors POV (😱)

The three egos search for a way to get their tiny friends big, unknown that a certain ȇ͎̯g̶̤͜͏̷o͙͖͖҉̀̕ is listening through the door.

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