The soup has been spilt!

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Everything seems to be in slow motion. My limbs are desperately trying to find something that can save me. My hair flys in front of my face, making me blind to everything. Out of all the ways I could die, I did not think this would be it. I'm kinda disappointed in myself. I mean really? Pushed off the shelf by some asshole tiny. I shut my eyes to keep hair from getting into my eyes when I hit a something. I'm alive? I slowly start to sit up and notice I landed on something softish and leathery. I look up at the shelf and see Julian looking behind me, frozen with complete fear. I turn around and my heart just drops. I'm in Darkiplier's hand. He stares at me, causing me to backpedal away from him but bump into something. I quickly look at to see it was his fingers. He curled them just enough so I wouldn't fall off. I look back at him only to notice he was now looking at Julian. He looked...angry. "Now I see what the problem is." He says through his teeth. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Darkiplier lift his other hand. I watch it make its way to Julian and Darkiplier pinches the back of his jacket. Julian starts freaking out, crying for help. I stay quiet. I want to help, but at the same time I don't. Can you blame me though, the dude just tried to kill me.

"You two want to know a fun fact about me?" Darkiplier looks at the both of us, waiting for an answer. I take a deep, but shaky breath, "Sure." He smiles at me. "I've never actually seen a tiny before. I don't know how all those stories you were talking about were spread." He directs that first bit to me, but then slowly turns his gaze towards Julian, "Maybe they were predicting the future for a certain tiny." A devilish grin spreads across his face. Julian looks absolutely horrified at his words. "But I don't think my dear friend (Y/N) would want to see that." He closes his hand around Julian so he can't wiggle his way free. Darkiplier then opens one of the cupboards with his pinky, pulls out a small jar, and drops Julian in it. He seals it shut with a satisfied smirk. "That should work for now." He says to himself. He turns himself to face the door, leaning against the countertop and holds me in front of him. "So why are you all dressed up?" He tilts his head ever so slightly. "We were at a party." I hold my arm in discomfort and look for any way out that doesn't involve death. "A party?" He sounds a bit to excited for my liking. "How many tinies were there?" The answer gets suck in my throat. I know it, but I also feel like I shouldn't give him the answer. You know, with the rumours and him saying that he's gonna make some of them true for Julian. "I didn't count." I look over at the hole by the toaster and see Elder Clara, Todd, and Alice looking horrified at me. I look away before Darkiplier could notice. "Oh come now, I know you know. You can trust me." I look up at him with a look that clearly states that I do in fact, not trust him in the slightest. "Why would I?" He moves his hand close to his face, "Because I just saved your life." Shit...he has a point. He could have let me fall and still got Julian. Which brings up the question, "Why?" He's shocked by this. "What do you mean?" I shrug, "You could have easily let me fall to my death and still catch Julian, so why didn't you?" I look into his black eyes waiting for an answer. He takes a deep breath and looks at the door. "Wilford has taken a liking to you and your friend. He's forced me to watch some of the videos and speaks highly of you two. I must admit that you duo have grown on me as well." Well I didn't expect that.

Todd's POV

I have lost my shit. Julian is in a jar (but I don't really care about him) and (Y/N) is literally in the most dangerous giant's hand and she's not dead! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?! And how dose she always get into these life and death situations? "Elder Clara we need to help her!" My voice is shaky as well as the rest of my body. Elder Clara look at (Y/N), than at Julian. "We have to get Julian first." I see Alice turn towards Elder Clara, "Are you fucking serious? He just pushed (Y/N) off the shelf! I understand he's family and all, but he's a killer and that puts the rest of us in danger." Elder Clara takes Alice's hands, "We still have to get him." Alice rips her hands out of Elder Clara's. "I'm not stupid. You won't help (Y/N), you'll ignore the fact that Julian tried to kill her, and cover this whole thing up for your precious grandson like you have been for years." Elder Clara gives her a nasty look, "How dare you accuse me of such horrible things! I am your Elder, you will not speak to me that way. I demand respect." Alice goes as close as she possibly can to Elder Clara, "Respect is earned, not demanded." Elder Clara stands there, mouth wide open. It's obvious she wants to say something but she can't find anything that could make her look good. She gives up and clears her throat. "Fine. If you won't help me, I'll find someone else." With that she runs back to base. We watch her down the tunnel until there's nothing but darkness. I turn my full attention back to (Y/N) and Darkiplier. "How's it looking?" Alice asks. "Well, she's not dead." I let out a nervous chuckle, "Right now they're just looking at each other." Alice peeks over my shoulder to get a closer look. "I swear that girl is the giant whisperer." Alice mumbles. I can't help the smile creeping onto my face.

"So (Y/N)," HOLY SHIT HE'S TALKING! "how will you explain the disappearance of Julian?"

The title is totally a reference to Santaiplier. On a different note, would you guys be interested in a G/T short story book? I would put different fandoms in it, but I would most definitely put a few YouTubers in there.

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