After shock

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The giants left hours ago so the entire village was out in the open. We were all on the counter because there wasn't enough room in the walls to have a big meeting like this. I was in the front with the three chiefs. ElderJohn spoke, "(Y/N) (L/N) you are charged with breaking borrower rule 1, borrower rule 19 and borrower rule 24," which basically means don't be seen, reckless behaviour and putting others in danger. Elder Robbert continued "By breaking said rules you are here by banished." Everyone gasped, "Wait just a second!" Todd yelled, "She didn't mean for what happened to happen. It was a mistake that she'll never make again. And is it fair that after making these mistakes after one time she gets banned?" The Chiefs were quite, but only for a moment or two before they whispered amongst themselves. They finished and looked back down on me. "We have considered what Todd has said and we will give you one last chance. But if you break any more rules you will be banished." Elder Grace said. "Of course. I won't let it happen again." I give them a bow and we all go back into the walls.

It's still late and I'm still I bit shaken by what happened earlier. I sit down on the high kitchen shelf, feet dangling off the ledge, and just get lost in deep thought. I'm interrupted by someone putting there hand on my shoulder. I slightly jump and look back to see it's only Todd. "Woah there. It's only little old me." He gives a warm smile. I let out a shaky breath, "Sorry." Todd sits down beside me, "You wanna talk about it?" I look at the floor far below us. "Todd...I was terrified. I know being the size we are, death is like that one friend you can never shake and I've accepted that a long time ago," I take a deep breath, "but my life was literally in someone else's hands. Knowing that at any given moment he could have crushed me in his hand, squish me under his foot, eat me...hell he could have even just dropped me and I would have been dead!" Todd wipes my face with his sleeve. I hadn't noticed I began crying. I smile at him, "And when we left the kitchen, I nearly had a heart attack. I mean, I only borrow food. There's no need to leave this area...and there he went, to the great unknown. He brought me into a room filled with giants. I mean most of them seemed nice, but I mean that could be easily faked. But then there was this one, Darkiplier. He's the one we hear horror stories about. And he just stared at me like I was a rat and he was a fucking cat!" Todd wrapped his arms around me, bring me into a hug. "Then Wilford-" "Wilford?" Todd interrupts, "Um...the pink one." "Ok. Continue." "So Wilford and Darkiplier got into this massive fight over me and I was...what's a word that's worst that terrified?" Todd thinks for a moment, "Horrified?" I accept his guess. "Yeah, I was absolutely horrified." I wipe the tears off my face as Todd hugs me closer to him. "Look    (Y/N), you have to see the silver lining. This will be a boss ass story to tell your kids." I laugh, "When did you become funny?" I joke. "When you became scared." I smile at Todd and hug him back. "How is it that you're not taken?" I ask him. I feel him shrug, "Simple. All the guys I met are either straight or assholes." I laugh at his comment. We sit there for a while before I started to drift off.

Todd's POV

"Come on. Let's go to bed. We can even sleep in! How cool would that be?" I say, but soon realized that she fell asleep. I smile down at her and look at the empty break room for a few more minutes...just enjoying the silence. I pick (Y/N) up bridal style and take her home. I place her in my guest bedroom, which I only have because we sleepover at one another's houses all the time, and go to my own bed and fall into a deep slumber.

Darkiplier's POV

Wilford dragged me out of my home office to show me what his pest of a friend was doing. At first I was irritated by his actions, but as I heard this pests little rant about life I...almost felt bad for what we've done. "Wow...Todd's gay. I did NOT see that coming!" Wilford said over dramatically as usual. "Wilford may I please go back to work now?" Wilford seemed upset with me, "Ugh, Fine." And with that I left.

For the rest of the night my mind was plagued by the tinies words. I mean it's perfectly understandable why they would tell horror stories about me, but I've never actually done anything to them. Hell I've only yelled at the others. Before today I've never seen a borrower. I can't work anymore so I just go to bed.

Wilford's POV

I scared (Y/N)? I didn't mean to. But I can see how I did. I feel horrible for doing so. She seemed like she was filled with life and that nothing could bother her, but I guess I was wrong. Seeing her cry seems so...wrong. And I still can't believe Todd's gay, like holy shit! Good for him though! I would really love to meet that boy. He seems nice, high strung, but nice. But hopefully it goes better than how (Y/N) and I met. I can't believe that her tribe was going to kick her out like that! She made a mistake, so what, don't we all? They need to get those sticks out of their asses! Now those would be three borrowers that would most definitely not like to see me. I wonder what would happen to there little bodies if I were to shoot them?

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