The party

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Swearing and attempted rape.

Wilford's POV

(Y/N) was acting strange. Even for me. I could tell she forced most of her smiles. But why? I suspect it has something to do with this Julian fellow. I sit in the break room, trying to think of what could possibly be wrong, when someone walks in. "Hello Wilford." I look over at Dark, not really paying attention to him. "Hey Dark." "What's on your mind?" Dark sits beside me, taking a sip of his coffee. "(Y/N). She's acting weird, and that's coming from me!" Dark leans in, "How so?" "Well for one, she didn't give a real smile, and she seemed on edge. Especially when we brought up her boyfriend Julian." Dark dose his neck twitch thing and says, "Well he's obviously the source of the problem." I nod, "But how?" I scratch my chin. Dark and I sat in silence for a while. I don't know if he was trying to figure it out, or was just curious if I had any ideas. "You said she was on edge?" I nod. He takes a sip of his coffee, "Did her appearance seem...different in any way?" I think about what (Y/N) was wearing for a moment before it hits me, "She was wearing a scarf. It wasn't a dressy one either, more like it was made for winter." "How unusual." I see him look over at the hole and just stare at it, as if it could give us the answer. We sit in silence, just staring at the hole until he stands, "Well I have to get back to work. Tell me if you figure it out." I smirk at him, "Well well well. I didn't know you cared." Dark rolls his eyes, "What can I say, I'm intrigued by this little mystery." He gives off his own smirk when he said the word 'little' and leaves.

(Y/N)'s POV

A week has passed since...well you know. I only left the house once this whole week and that was because Julian said I needed to be seen. He's never home during the day so I sleep, and when night falls I pretend to be asleep until I hear him snore and that's when I leave. No ones up at night except the borrowers and I know their routine like the back of my hand.

The night has come and Julian walks in. I didn't release the time because I was cleaning the house, so I was in the centre of the living room. "Hey honey! Glade to see you're up." I smile, "I just had the sudden urge to clean." He hangs his jacket by the door and chuckles. "Well you almost look perfect." He creeps his way closer to me. "Umm...thanks, I guess?" I rub the back of my head. I feel his hands on my hips and him pulling me towards him. "How about we go out tonight? It's Elder Clara's birthday and we should really go." I give a real smile, "Sure! What time should we go?" He gives a smirk, "As soon as you put on this dress." He leads me to the closet and pulls out this beautiful black dress. The sleeves and top portion were a flower print lace, and the bottom was two layers, solid black, and came just above the knees, with a pair of cute black heels that laced across the foot. (Picture below)

"Oh my gosh, it gorgeous!" I see him out of the corner of my eye, "It'll look good on

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"Oh my gosh, it gorgeous!" I see him out of the corner of my eye, "It'll look good on." He traces his finger up and down my arm in a slow motion. I turn to look at him, "I'll go put this on." and I sprint into the bathroom. Once I had the dress on I walked out and noticed Julian wearing a black tuxedo and tie with a red dress shirt. (Picture below)

He holds his arm out, "Shall we go?" I loop my arm with his to my discomfort, and we left

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He holds his arm out, "Shall we go?" I loop my arm with his to my discomfort, and we left.

We arrived at the party within a couple minutes and it seems like everybody's there. Julian talks to everyone and refuses to let me leave his side. Julian was talking to one of his old guy friends when I got the courage to ask, "Julian, is it ok if I grab something to drink?" Julian looks at me with a bittersweet smile, "Of course, grab me something too." Taking the small victory I walk over to the refreshment table thing...I don't know, it's the table with all the food! I take my sweet time getting the drinks when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see Todd. "T-Todd! What are you doing?" My eyes dart towards Julian, who thankfully was still chatting. "I just wanted to apologize for getting so upset the other day. It's just that I cannot believe you're letting some guy tell you what to do." I look Todd the eyes. "Well people do stupid things." He goes to say something else but to my surprise, Alice interrupts. "Hey (Y/N). Hey Todd. Do ya think I could borrow her for a sec?" Todd looks at us and nods. Alice pulls me into the corner checking over her shoulder. "Ok look, I'm not supposed to tell you this because Elder Clair is Julian's grandma and she wants to protect him, but you need to ditch his ass." "What makes you say that?" I try to keep my voice down. "First, I can clearly tell you're scared of him. Second, I see your bruises. Third, I know he's violent. And four, he's had way too many girlfriends get wished away by giants for it not to be suspicious." I look her in the eyes, "Why are you telling me this?" She grabs my hand, "You saved my life, I'm just returning the favour." I see Julian walk towards us, "My darling! There you are. I was beginning to think you ran off." Alice crosses her arms and mumbles "She should." Julian slowly turns his head towards her, "What was that?" He says through his toothy grin. Alice rolls her eyes and pokes his chest, "You heard me you fuck tard! If it were up to me I'd throw you off the shelf!" And with those words, she left. Julian straightens his suit, "Well isn't she the dramatic one." He takes my hand and begins walking, "Come, I think we should return home."

The walk was silent but I felt that Julian was up to something. We walk into the house and I hear the door lock, which is weird because he never locks the door. He turns away from the door and looks at me with a devilish grin. "You really do look lovely in that dress." I fidget in my spot and take off my shoes. He begins to walk closer, "But I would like to see it off." My nerves vanish and is replaced with anger, "What?" I cant believe the nerve! He grabs my hip with one hand and puts the other behind my head, forcing us to kiss. I try to push him away but it's a pretty awkward position. His hand travels down to a no-no area and he begins to pull up the fabric. I go in complete survival mode and manage to knee him where the sun don't shine and book it to the door. I manage to unlock it but his arms snake around me, "Come on, I'm not that bad am I?" I can hear the smirk, he's enjoying himself. He carries me to the bedroom and drops me on the bed. Before I can get off he climbs on top of me. He grabs my wrist in his one hand and puts them above my head. He pins my legs between his and I can feel his other hand wondering my body. I have to get the hell out of here. He starts kissing my neck and that's when it hits me. Using his possession to my advantage, I bit his shoulder drawing blood. He screams in pain and grabs his shoulder with the hand he was using to hold my wrists. Taking the opportunity, I push him off the bed and run. I run out of the room, out off the house, out off the wall, and onto the shelf. Why the shelf? I have no idea. I gasp for air. I have never run so fast in my life, and I'm a borrower! We run for a living! I feel the air returning to my lungs when I hear footsteps. I turn around and to my dread, see Julian. "I don't know what to do anymore." He slowly walks towards me, causing me to back away. "I tried to love you, but you just couldn't listen!" He throws his hands in the air. "Then you bite me like some wild animal!" He shoves his hand in my face to show me the blood on it. "But I think I have the solution." He gives the same devilish smile as before as he looks behind me. I take I quick look over my shoulder and notice I'm only a step away from falling. I look back at Julian just in time to see him push me off.

Cliff hanger. Hehe 😉

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