History repeats

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My head is pounding when I wake up. What happened? It takes a moment before it comes back. Julian. I sit up and find myself in my bed and Julian by my side. He looks up and smiles, "Oh thank god you're alright." He pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me! I'll never do it again." I pull away from him and he's actually crying. I shift uncomfortably in my bed, "Ok, but if anything like that happens again-" "It won't!" He pulls me back into a hug. Everything is telling me to run, but at the moment I can't, so I hug him back.

Time skip

It's been a couple of days since the incident and Julian hasn't done anything violent. I didn't tell Todd about it, I just can't bring myself to it. Julian has been showering me with affection though, which makes me think it really was a one time thing. Everything went back to normal. Currently, Todd and I are telling Julian some of our giant encounters. "His hand was right there, just a few inches away from us. It's a pure medical the giant didn't spot us." I say in my best narrator voice. Julian is hanging onto my every word. "He left soon after, but it was still terrifying." Todd adds. I let out a giggle, "Now look at us. We're friends with one." "What!" Julian yells. Have I not told him that? I smile at him, "I'll tell you later, but first Todd and I need to go borrowing." We grab our things and start to go. "Hey sweetheart, I need to ask you something." I stop and look at my boyfriend, "What is it?" He comes close and grabs my hands, "Would you move in with me?" For a moment I stop breathing, "What?" I guess that's not the reaction he was hoping for, 'cause his grip on my hands tighten. "Well we've been dating for a while, and it'll give Todd his own place." I want to say no, but for some reason I feel scared. I shouldn't, I mean he promised... "Ok, when do I move my stuff?" Julian smiles, "I'll move it while you are gone." He pulls me in for a passionate kiss and wraps his arms around my waist. "See you soon (Y/N)." He breathes into my ear, "See ya." And I leave. Todd was just outside the door, "You're moving in with him!" He quietly shouts. I sigh, "Yes. Let's not talk about it ok." And I rush ahead of him.

Todd's POV

I can not believe this! How can she move in with some guy she's only been dating for a couple of weeks! She doesn't even seem happy with it. I try to catch up with her but she just walks faster. It was like this for the whole trip there. We make it to the kitchen and see other borrowers. "We'll have to avoid them." She mumbles to me, and runs off. Besides that nothing happens, and for the walk back, it was just like the walk there. We put the things we've gathered in their proper places and go back home...well my home. When we get there Julian was in front of the door. "Come now (Y/N), our home awaits." Gag. She looks at me, "Later Todderonie!" We hug and she goes off with Julian. I enter the house and it feels so...empty.

(Y/N)'s POV

Julian and I hold hands in complete silence all the way to his-...our home. Once we get there he holds the door open for me. "Thank you." I say, which he responds with a smile. I walk in and see my stuff already set out. "Do you like it?" Julian asks gently grabbing my shoulders from behind. "Yeah, it looks good." He starts rubbing my shoulders. "I don't want you borrowing anymore." I step away from him, "What?" He shrugs, "I just think a lady shouldn't do such a tuff job." "I've been doing it for years, I'm not going to stop just because you don't like it!" I start to get angry. I see the anger swelling in his eyes, "Well you should! I'm the man in the house and you're the woman!" "Are you serious? I'm the best at what I do! I don't care if you're the man, I'm not quitting!" Within a blink of an eye, Julian's hand was around my throat, "If you don't quit, something bad might happen to dear ol' Todd. You wouldn't believe how many accidents happen around here, and how easily everyone excepts the story of how the giants did it." It seems like everything froze with those words. Everything about him said he was dead serious. He spoke with such confidence that it tells me that he's done it before...and more than once. "Fine. I'll quit." I barely whisper. He smiles at me, releasing his grip. "Good. I'm gonna go to bed. Join me when you're ready." He leaves me alone to get his rest. I sit there, in the dark, completely alone. Why did I believe he wouldn't do it again. I should leave...but I just moved in. How pathetic would I look if I moved back in with Todd? I'm the borrower who befriended a freaking giant but can't handle some guy?! After a while I start thinking of how I'll tell Elder Clara and Todd that I quit. I can just imagine how heartbroken Todd will be. I feel like I'm abandoning him. He's been there for me ever since we were kids and know I'm pulling away from him. I hear Julian snoring from the bedroom and decided to go for a walk, hidden by the night.

I sit on the counter top, legs dangling off the ledge, looking out a near by window at the stars. To think there's a whole world out there is baffling. My thoughts are cut short when I hear the door open. I quickly hide and check to see it none other than Darkiplier. Just my luck. I see him set something up, but can't fully make out what it is. Probably another trap. I see him start to turn his head in my direction and I quickly duck back into my hiding spot. Please let him leave. After what seems like forever, I hear his shoes walk away and the door close. I don't dare move. Darkiplier isn't like the other giants. He has a higher IQ than the rest and can come up with a brilliant trap on the spot. I wait until I see the sky start to turn pink and decide to peek around the corner. Sure enough Darkiplier was in the corner beside the door, lucky he was looking down at his watch. I quickly pull my head away from the corner and fully into my hiding spot. If it was still night it would have never seen him but he could have 100% seen me. I hear him sigh and the door opening and closing and his footsteps walking until there was both left to hear. I take a look around the corner to see him gone and I run back to Julian's house.

I slowly and quietly open the door and tiptoe to the bed. I gently crawl in and stay as far away from him as possible and let sleep take over my body.

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