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I woke up on a flattened cotton ball in Todd's house. I must've fallen asleep on the shelf. I look around to see if he's up and sure enough he was in his kitchen. "Morning." I say. My voice sounds like I had a bunch of rocks bouncing around my throat. Todd looks over his shoulder, "Good morning (Y/N)! How'd you sleep?" "Pretty good. How 'bout you?" "Same as you." I smile and zone out. "So what are we doing today?" Todd interrupts my nothing thoughts. "No idea. It's gonna be boring not going out during the day." Todd turns around from the food to face me, "Wait, so you're actually gonna listen to the Elders?" I look down, "Well yeah. I could have died yesterday. A near death experience changes you." I look at Todd and he seemed heartbroken. "Maybe we can just wonder until we have to work." He fakes a smile, "Sure, but we should eat first, and pack for lunch." We split an apple slice and packed a few sunflower seeds for the walk.

No one was up yet so we had to be quiet until we left town. Once we were out of everyone's earshot we started talking normally and did a little shouting. The walk was filled with gossip and boys we thought were hot. Before I knew it we were in front of one of the wholes that led to the kitchen. "Todd!" I yelled at him. He just smiles, "Ok, so maybe I did kinda like going out during the day. We don't have to leave the walls, just stay here and watch the giants." I give him a glare but sit down and watch the kitchen. Todd sits beside me, happy that I'm staying. The kitchen seemed empty, and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I felt a hand roughly grab on both of my shoulders and a "BOO!" I scream and run out of the wall as instinct. I turn around once I hear Todd call out to me and see Stephanie laughing her ass of. "Why would you do that?" I question her, holding my racing heart. "Revenge. Your last partner retired, he didn't die." I blankly stare at her. "Crap." Was all I could say. Todd looks up at Stephanie, "Wait, so you actually checked?" She shrugs, "I looked at the records." Wow, PLOT TWIST! "I'm not complaining to much though. I got taken out of borrowing and put into tinkering!" She sings. "That's perfect for you." Todd says. It really was. All tinkers do is make stuff. They don't go out and they don't have to look out for anyone because they're so deep in the walls. Stephanie looks at me, "Hey, glad you're not getting the boot. The borrowers wouldn't be the same without you." I'm surprised by her complement. Sure, it may be true, but no one ever admits that I make any sort of change to the borrowers. I smile at her, "Thanks."

Wilford's POV

It's too early for work. I would much rather be in bed, but NO! I have to be in my dumb office and work out a way to take over Mark's channel. I tried Markiplier TV but that idea was shot down, and I'm running low on fuel. I get up from my desk and head for the kitchen to get some coffee. As my hand touches the kitchen door an alert goes off on my phone.
"B̠o̠r̠r̠o̠w̠e̠r̠' i̠n̠ k̠i̠t̠c̠h̠e̠n̠."
I froze. Should I go in? I give my head a light shake. Of course I should go in, I work here! Slowly I open the door and enter. I immediately saw three of them just by there little hole in the wall. Surprisingly they didn't see me yet. I crept around the room and up to the counter and grabbed a mug from the cupboard as quietly as I could. They still haven't seen me. I grab the coffee pot that was already full and poured myself a glass. I could hear the three of them talking about one of them being glad the other didn't get the boot. That must've been (Y/N). I turn my head and saw the borrower on the counter and actually looked at them. Sure enough it was her. I smile and walked to the table to drink my coffee.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Wow, I thought out of all people you'd be overjoyed to see her out." Todd says looking up at her still in his sitting position, "What? Just because we don't get along doesn't mean I want her kicked out! How mean do you think I am?" Stephanie says putting her hand over her heart. I let out a light laugh. The moment was cut short when we heard a chair being pulled out. We all look towards the noise to see Wilford sitting at the table, coffee. "G-g-g-giant!" Stephanie stutters. "(Y/N) get back in the wall!" Todd whisper shouts, but unlike my first encounter with Wilford, I don't feel the need to run. I was still close to the hole and he was sitting at the table and didn't look like he was moving anytime soon. "Sorry about before." He looks over at me, "I didn't realize that I was freaking you out so much." I tilt my head. The last thing I expected from him was an apology. "T-that's ok. I mean, how were you supposed to know." I shrug. "What? I didn't hear that." He says. He moves up from his chair a bit but then stops. I smile at him and wave him over. "(Y/N)! What are you doing!" I hear Stephanie hisses at me. "Oh calm your tits, he's trying to be friends!" I hiss back. There's a loud scrap and footsteps in my direction. I turn around and see Wilford squatting in front of me. I repeat what I said, "I um...accept the apology."

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