Goodbye kitchen

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I panic and try to pry his fingers off of me, but obviously don't succeed. "Hey, hey. Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt cha." That wasn't comforting. He may think it is, but it really isn't. I don't stop trying to get out of his grip. I may be stupid, but I'm not clueless! I know what giants do to borrowers! They squish them, beat them, sell them, hell sometimes even go as far as to eat them! I don't want to be this giants lunch, I like life! It may suck at times, like right now, but I don't want to be dead! I bash my fists into his hand and try to wiggle out...until I felt something softly land on top of my head and brush its way down. I look up and see that it was the giants hand. Oh he was not petting me! He goes to do it again but I push his finger away. "Where's your friend?" He asks, words sluring together. I don't answer. I'm not going to rat Todd out! I ain't a two faced bitch!

Wilford's POV
Well this is off to a fantastic start. "Okay...well you want to tell me your name?" I may know her name, but she seems touchy at the moment and I feel that me somehow knowing her name would make things worse. She still doesn't answer, just glares at me. I sigh and take a seat. At my sudden movement, I feel her stiffen and her small hands grab mine. I smile down at her, "What, did that scare you?" I see the anger form onto her face, "Well what'd you expect? I'm being held like a hundred feet off the ground!" I chuckle, "Well now you're only a few feet away from the table." She looks over my hand and shrugs. "I like to be on solid ground." I place my head in my free hand and study (Y/N). Her (H/C) hair looked like it was made out of silk, her (E/C) eyes sparkled, and her clothes looked homemade. "I'm Wilford Warfstache." I hold out my finger to her, hoping that she'll shake it. She raises an eyebrow, "Um, (Y/N)." She takes my finger in her hand and slowly shakes it. I brightly smile at her. "So...what happened to your lil' friend?" (Y/N) stares into my eyes, as if looking for something. "He went home. It's one of the rules."


"Rules?" Wilford asks. "Yeah. There's a couple of rules Borrowers have to follow." This should be obvious, they have rules to! "What kind of rules?" Oh my gosh, question after question! Can I just go! "Safety rules. Ya know, like we should only come out at night, only borrow what we need, what no one will notice, and no one will miss, leave no evidence behind, never reveal yourself to giants, never be seen, don't take anything personal, and if you get caught you need to leave." He's eyes widened at that last one. "Y-you need to leave if you get caught? Well that's just stupid!" His grip got tighter causing me to loose some air. Thankfully he seems to notice and loosens his grip. "Sorry." He mutters. "Those are just the basic rules though. We have more ridiculous rules for here." I say, changing the subject. I mean he may literally have my life in his hand and could kill me any second, but I don't like it when people are upset. It's my biggest weakness. Wilford looks at me, "What other rules do you have?" Seeing an opportunity I say, "Well I'll be glad to tell you... if you put me down." A smirk crosses his face, "Alrighty." And he puts me on the table. I take a sigh of relief, then look up at the giant. I could take my chance and run for it, but I'm way to far from the hole. Maybe I could somehow get him to put me back on the counter, or even leave long enough to get there. "Well, we're assigned jobs. My job is to borrow things for the colony so I know those rules the best. We have to go in groups of three just incase something were to happen. We can't let the banished take things we need, but I usually let that one slide because they used to be one of us, and never leave a borrower behind unless absolutely need be." He nods slowly. I see an idea pop into his eyes,  "The others would love to meet you!" I stop breathing. "O-others?" I stutter. "Yeah, they'll be super excited!" He scoops me into his hands and starts to walk off.

*Panic mood activated* I'VE NEVER BEEN OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN! THIS IS NEW TERRITORY! SEND HELP! I see a bunch of closed doors as Wilford walks down the hallways. He doesn't say anything to me, to wrapped up in his idea, but eventually walks into a room. He puts the hand holding me behind his back and sits in a chair. His fingers are curled so I can't escape. I hear a voice I don't recognize. "Wilford. You're late." "Ahh come on Dark, I'm always late!" Wilford retorts to this 'Dark'. I wonder if I could somehow slip out between his fingers...       "[̲̅W̲̅][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅l̲̅][̲̅l̲̅][̲̅f̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅d̲̅]." "Yes Google?"            "[̲̅W̲̅][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅t̲̅] [̲̅i̲̅][̲̅s̲̅  [̲̅t̲̅][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅t̲̅] [̲̅y̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅u̲̅]               [̲̅h̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅v̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] [̲̅b̲̅][̲̅e̲̅][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅n̲̅][̲̅d̲̅] [̲̅y̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅u̲̅][̲̅r̲̅]           [̲̅b̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅c̲̅][̲̅k̲̅]?" "I'll show you, But you have to promise not to freak out." Wait what! No! No no no! The borrower is NOT okay with this! "I swear Wilford, if it's a dismembered hand or something like that, I will beat you." Someone says, "Oh calm down Silver!" Before anything else could happen, the hand I was trapped in engulfed me in complete darkness and moved. My breath speed up and my heart pounding so hard I think it might actually pop out of my chest. And just as fast at it started, it stops. What is going on! The light blinds me momentarily and I feel nothing beneath me. My fall is short and I hit a hard surface. I quickly get up and look around to see much more giants than I have ever seen before. I'm in big trouble.

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