Let's meet Julian

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"Why do we always almost get caught?" I huff out. Todd giggles, "Because you're so damn slow!" I playfully punch his arm. I then see Elder Clara running towards us, "Oh my heavens! I saw the giant, are you two alright?" She spits out the word in a panicked state. Todd places his hands on her shoulders, "We're fine, thank you for asking." Elder Clara hugs Todd tightly, but my mind is somewhere else. "Did you notice that he went for the bowl?" I ask. They look at me with confused looks. "It was like he was looking for something." I bite my thumb in thought until it hit me. "Or someone. Oh that smart asshole." I can't help but admire his trap, it was well thought of. "Elder Clara, if you don't mind my input, I would advice to not let anyone go out on their own. I have a suspicion that Darkiplier is trying to catch one of us." Elder Clara nods, "Of course. Alice was our only borrower until now." She pauses for a second, "Who is Darkiplier?" I smile at the fact she didn't put two and two together, "He's the giant that was just here." She hums in understandment. "Well, I think it's time we take you two in and introduce you to the others." She starts walking towards a hole in the wall. Todd is close behind but I'm having some doubts. I've never been good with new tinies. I follow none the less. After a bit of walking we see a bunch of tinies. "(Y/N), Todd, meet the Banished." There were at least a hundred of them, how could so many tinies be banished? They all line up and Elder Carla begins to name them all, which was astonishing at her age. Once she was done she looked at a blue eyed blond, "Julian, would you show them to their homes?" Julian gives us a bright smile, "It would be my pleasure." He turns over to me and holds out his hand, "My lady." Not wanting to be rude, I take his hand, but I felt weird. He looks at Todd, "Come now my good man." And he started walking. He had looped our arms together and gave us a tour. It wasn't as big or nice as our old home, but it was enough. Julian showed us where the tinkers worked, where the look outs camped, and where Alice lived. "And this is where you two will live, until we make another home." Julian leads us to a hole in the wall that was made into a home. He gives a charming smile, "We don't really expect there to ever be more than one tiny banished at a time, so you'll have to excuse the inconvenience." "Oh no, that's fine. Todd and I can just bunk for the time being." I smile at Julian. "I should tell you that we're having dinner at sunrise." I unloop our arms, "We're having dinner together?" Julian chuckles, "Well of course, we do all the time." I look at Todd. We never did anything like this before, everyone was so isolated from one another. "You will come, won't you?" Julian looks sad at the idea of me not going, "O-of course we will." Why did I stutter? This is not a type of situation that you stutter. Julian smile returns, "Wonderful! I'll see you there." He takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on it. I press my lips together and look away. I hear him give a little laugh as he walks away. "Oh. My. God. He likes you!" Todd practically yells, "Shut up!" I snap. He gasps, "And you like him!" I go wide eyed, "Do not! I just met him!" Todd starts laughing his ass off, "Sure you do, your face is as red as a tomato!" In response I punch his arm. He just laughs more, like an asshole. "I hate you." I mutter as I walk out. It was kinda true though. I mean, Julian was an attractive guy. And that smile could make your heart melt. What I'm I talking about? I'm a borrower, we don't have crushes! This is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Not paying attention to my surroundings, I surprisingly bump into someone. Shocker! "Oh, I'm sorry." I say quickly. I hear a familiar chuckle. "That's perfectly alright (Y/N)." Julian holds his hand out to me, which I take, and helps me up. "What are you doing anyway?" He asks, "To be honest, no idea...like ever." He laughs. Man it is a gorgeous laugh. "So, you think you two and Alice will become close?" I nod, "I mean, hopefully. I know it's hard to get close to others when you have our job. Speaking of, what's yours?" He begins walking, still holding my hand, "I'm a look out." "Really?" He looks back at me, "Is it that difficult to believe?" I shake my head, "No, of course not!" He hums in amusement, "I was only joking my dear." I feel my face heat up, and look away. Why am I like this? "The sun should be rising soon. Would you like to collect your friend?" I should, but for some strange reason, I don't. "He can find his way." Julian smiles, lopping our arms together.

Julian sits beside me at the table while Todd sits on the other side. He asked me what happened and I told him everything. He's just smiling at me with a shit eating grin. After all the food was fished out I decided to finally ask the question that's been on my mind, "So what are the rules?" All the chatter stops. Elder Clara clears her throat, "The only rule we have is to help and protect one another." "What happens if we break them?" Todd continues. "If you break them, you spend a week out, but we usually let them slide." She smiles and continues eating. Only one rule? I already love it here.

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