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"Doctor Park, you may come now." The lady in the desk call.

Doctor Park stood from his seat and walk to her.

"This is Min Yoongi, he'll be your patient for now on. He's background is on the next page, behind his profile." She pass Doctor Park a yellow folder and gave him a smile.

"Thank you." He nod his head as he gave her a sweet smile in a return.

"Have a nice day, Doctor Park."







It is his first day at his new job. So he couldn't find the room where his patient was. He searched and searched, but it looked like a maze.

What the fuck is this? Who the hell would make a building looking like a maze? I'm getting kind of dizzy. He thought as he held his head.

"Hey, are you lost?"

Doctor Park turn to the direction where the person is at.

"Umm ...... yes, I am. Can you help me find room number 269?"

"Sure, I'm heading to that floor."

"Wait, how many floors does this building has?"

"It has 3 floors; name's Namjoon, kid. And yours?" Namjoon looks at the younger doctor.

"Jimin, Park Jimin."





[15 minutes later]






They talk a bit about each other. Jimin found out that Namjoon is only a year older and insist to call him 'hyung'.

"Alright, here it is. Good luck with your patient, you're going to need it ..... literally." Namjoon gave a pat on the shoulder before he left him alone.

Jimin examines the door and notice there's a scanner on the left side of the wall.

He looked at his ID card around his neck and place it on the scanner.

The scanner made a beep sound, meaning that it unlocked the door. He looked at Namjoon one more time, but he wasn't there.

He took a deep breath and open the door slowly, fearing that he might scare his patient.

Once it was half way open, he slid inside and shut the door.

The first thing he notice was that the room was gloomy. And the patient was sleeping on his messy bed.

Jimin took a step after the other without making a sound. He doesn't want his patient to be afraid of him.

He was so close, about a feet away from his patient when his patient turn to his side.

He was wide awake, it made Jimin jump in fear.

Jimin examines him and about a second later, his eyes widened.

"Oh my God, it can't be." Jimin covers his mouth as he back away from him.

"Hi baby boy, did you miss me?"



















[A.N]: I made another one, except it's gonna be Yoonmin 😏👀

Psycho - YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now