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"Jimin, I think the police have found the suspicious person." Namjoon randomly pop out of no where.

"Who is it?" Jimin fix his paperwork in his little office. It wasn't the best but it's comfy office.

"They suspect it's a guy, possibly mid twenties .... they say it's one of our patients."

"But who could it be? Wait, are they asking the patients again?"

"Yeah, they're asking one by one, by last names."

"Where are they at? The last names I mean."

"Probably in L .... maybe M, I don't know. I had to be with my- Seokjin." Namjoon eyes wide when he almost say something other than Seokjin's name.

"Oh really, so I must be with Min Yoongi, huh?" Jimin said uninterested as he moves one sheet of paper into a pile of his work.

"Yeah, the boss recommend us."

"Can you take care of my work? Just put all this pile of paper to this folder and this other pile, goes to the trash."

"Sure, I can do it." Namjoon warmly smiles, making one of his dimples to pop out.

"Don't break anything here." Jimin warned the elder.

Namjoon nods and bits his lower lip.

Jimin leaves Namjoon alone and walks to his patient's room.







"Were you outside of your room at all?"



"Check in the footage, did you see me walking out of my room, Sir?" Yoongi mocked at the detective.

"The footage in that hallway wasn't working, but the others were working. You had someone else to help out, did ya?" The detective gets close to Yoongi's bubble. Yoongi was asked to be here, they were going to let Jimin in, but Yoongi told them not to. Yoongi knew it would get ugly after he sat down.

"If I had someone, who's worthy enough to help me, I would have escape and leave this country."

"But you didn't, why? You killed her, instead of escaping. What hold you back?"

"Doesn't it look like I killed her?" Yoongi backfired at the detective.

"You two didn't had a good relationship, so-"

"Patients are not supposed to be in a relation with anyone here. We get killed for that and expelled the doctors."

"Hmm if you didn't kill her, then who?" The detective backs away from Yoongi and sits on the uncomfortable chair.

"Perhaps someone who has been friendly with her .... someone who knows her for years ...." Yoongi suggest.

"Detective Baek, we'll continue asking to every patients and later, we'll have to question her friends."

"Yes, Chief."

"Alright, you may go." The detective signals to the door and flips the paper over.

Yoongi walks to the door and finds Jimin, standing in front, leaning his back against the wall.

"Park, I'm so hungry."

"What are you craving?" Jimin asked while straightening his back.

For you, Yoongi thought.


Jimin nods his head and walks along with his patient.

[A.N]: Umm .... happy late thanksgiving everyone 😆😄 I hope everyone has a great weekend 💙

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