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"Have a great day, Chim Chim. Love you!"

"Thanks, love you too, Tae bear."

"Don't call that, jamless mochi." Jungkook hugged Taehyung if Jimin would steal from him any minute.

"I'm only yours, baby boy. What do want to eat?"

Jungkook thought for a second before he whispers in Taehyung's ear, making him to smirk and pull Jungkook inside.

"Jesus, don't they ever stop being fucking? I hope they don't fuck in my room again. Because I'll be killing Tae first." Jimin mumbles under his breathe as he drives away.







[30 minutes later]









Jimin sips his coffee after he bought it at the Cafe. He isn't a fan of coffee but it keeps him awake at least.

"Hey Jimin, right?" Namjoon points at Jimin as he casually came up to him.

"Yeah." He gives Namjoon his usual smile that everyone loves, the eye smile.

"The nurse told me to get you because your patient needs you."

Jimin's smile went to a frown but cover it quickly to one of his warm smiles.

"Ah, thanks Namjoon hyung."

"No problem." He pats on Jimin's shoulder and walks away.

Why does the universe hates me? Jimin groan as he walk over to Yoongi's room and slid his card in the scanner. He open it carefully, he hesitate if he should go in or not.

Maybe I should ditch him, maybe it's not important. Perhaps he wants to make fun of me again. Jimin was about to close the door when he heard Yoongi's voice.


He flinch and shut the door after he enter the room.

"I'm here." He calmly said, trying to find Yoongi in the dark room.

Where's a light switch when you need one? Ah, there it is! 

Jimin flip it on and watch the horrifying event.

"Jimin ..... I need your help."














Yoongi is covered in blood.

Psycho - YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now