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"Okay, let's run the to-do list- are you paying attention?!"

"Huh? Did you say something, Sweetheart?" Yoongi snapped his thoughts about Jimin out of his head.

"What the .... never mind, let's go." Jimin scoffed and started walking to the door.

"Where?" Yoongi jump from his bed and rushed to the younger.

"We're going to walk around the garden."

"Ah~ is this our first date?" Yoongi smirk and had the urge to wrap the younger's waist, but he couldn't.

Jimin isn't ready for stuff yet.

"As if, the other doctors comment that you rarely do exercise or they hardly see you outside of your room. Besides walking is exercise and good for your body, so let's go."

"Walking is for losers, sleeping is my strength."

"Yoongi don't start this argument."

"But Chimmy-"

"What did I say about calling me that?" Jimin growls, one hand turn into a fist while his other hand clenching the paper clip board.

"That you blush so hard, you look like a cute little tomato." Yoongi holds back a laugh.

"You little- whatever, let's go before I regret this decision." Jimin was tired of Yoongi and his stupid comments and the fact he didn't get much sleep last night because of Taehyung's new puppy makes it a lot more worse.

"Whatever my princess wants." Yoongi mumbles softy. Jimin hear the elder's comment but decide to let it go.

"My favorite color is white and yours?"

"Light blue ... what's your .... um favorite song?"

"Hmmm- don't have one. And you?" Yoongi looks over at Jimin, who was kicking small pebbles.  

"Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang."

"From Big Bang?"

"Yea, him." Jimin look up to Yoongi's eyes but turn away before his cheeks blush.

"Oh that's cool."

"Do you like any animals?"

Yoongi stop walking for few seconds before continuing walking the path. Jimin notice his strange acts and immediately regret asking such a stupid question.

"I used to have a dog, but she died years ago."

"Oh .... I'm sorry." Jimin felt .... a little heart broken.

"I don't any pity Park, instead let's just enjoy this moment." Yoongi shrugs off the awkward moment and focus his 'first date' with Park Jimin.

"I guess so .... what was her name?" Jimin knew Yoongi was uncomfortable talking about his dead dog, but he doesn't want to let the conversation die.

"Holly. Min Holly. She was the best pup I've ever had."

"What happen to Holly?"

"..... She was run over ..... by some stupid seniors from high school. I was so mad when I found out, I even went to their house and beat the shit out of them. I would've killed them if it weren't for the cops."

Jimin didn't say anything for a while. He did remember the incident, but never actually said anything to Yoongi. He remembers Taehyung telling him and he remembers that he shrugged and told him he didn't care what happened to Yoongi and his stupid dog. He remembers his foolish acts towards the elder. Now he feels horrible and cruel for treating him badly.

Jimin sigh in disappointment and checked the time from his watch.

"Yoongi, let's go back to your room. It's almost time for lunch."

Yoongi nods, not in a mood to talk anymore since walking around the garden for an hour and a half made him wanting to rest. He only wants to spent time with his love of his life and his sleep.

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