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The sunshine peaks thought the windows in the halls of the asylum. Jimin was happy and humming a song that was playing over a radio in his car.

Jimin didn't know why he was happy, everyday he would be praying that Yoongi wouldn't do anything to the younger one. Perhaps something good will happen today. 

As he reach to Yoongi's room, he saw Namjoon, walking out of his patient's room.

"Morning Namjoon." Jimin chirped and unlock the door.

Namjoon look at Jimin but didn't say anything. He walk away as if he didn't see or hear Jimin.

Jimin frown and enter Yoongi's room.

Something was off.

Jimin can feel it in his stomach.

He shuts the door and walks cautiously to the elder was sleeping.

"Y-Yoongi, time to wake up." Jimin spoke softly as he reach the edge of the bed.

Yoongi didn't bother to move.

"Wake up." Jimin said louder.

Yoongi still did not move a muscle. Perhaps he was in a deep, deep sleep.

"Maybe I should come back later." Jimin turn around and before he took a step forward to walk out of the room, he was pulled back.

His back hit on the bouncy bed and Yoongi took the opportunity to be top of Jimin.

"Y-Yoongi!! What the heck you're doing?"

The elder lean his head close to Jimin's neck and took one good sniff.

"Hmm Jimin .... did I ever tell you you smell good? Apple, cinnamon, vanilla ...."

"Stop it-"

Yoongi slowly lick Jimin's neck up until his ear shell.

Jimin tried to push the elder off, but he couldn't. Yoongi's tongue made him weak and almost made him moan.

"Do you like it?" Yoongi said in a low voice.

Jimin almost said yes, almost made him nod as if he's under Yoongi's control.

But Jimin didn't say anything, he kept quiet as he breathes deeply through his nostrils while his eyes were tightly shut.

"Say something, baby boy. I know you want it as much as I do."

Jimin open his eyes, staring into the elder's dark chocolate eyes and part his lips a little.


Yoongi scoop down to Jimin's neck and bits his neck, harshly.

"Wait- a-ah ...."

Jimin gasps and grips on Yoongi's shirt. Yoongi's soft lips travels down to his collarbone to his shoulder. Chills run down Jimin's spine as he can feel his lower body tingle in excitement.

"Mhh- Y-Yoongi ...."

"Yes, kitten?"

"It feels good."

"I know, want me to show you where else it feels good?"

"Show me."

Yoongi sits up, getting off of Jimin, and unzips Jimin's jeans. Pulling Jimin's boxers off, he shivers as the cold touch his member.

Yoongi takes the member with one hand as the other grabs Jimin's balls. He starts moving his hand as the others plays Jimin's balls.

Jimin's head hits the mattress as he felt the pleasure slowly raising. Jimin moans and arch his back a little for a comfortable position.

"You like it, huh?" Yoongi smirks as he looks at the younger's reaction.

"Yes." Jimin moan as his hands grips on the bed.

"Jimin ..."

"Yes, Yoongi?"


Jimin sits up, his eyes open wide, and looks at the person who startle him.

It was Taehyung.

"Tae, what the fuck?" Jimin covers his ears as he slightly pouts.

"First, you better tell me why the hell you were talking in your sleep. Second, it's getting late and you have to make breakfast for me."

"One, I'm not going to tell you and two, make cereal, I'm going back to sleep." Jimin glares at Taehyung and lays back down, making himself comfortable. 

"Wait, you're not going to the asylum today?"

"No, Sundays are my day off."

"That's great, but you still didn't tell me about your dream. I bet Yoongi was fucking you so hard, right?"

"Oh my God Tae, shut up!"

"What? You got to tell me, spill the tea." Taehyung said as he shakes Jimin's sleeves.

"Ain't gonna happen bitch." Jimin pulls his arm away from Taehyung.

"Fine .... if it makes you better, I'll tell you my experience when me and Kookie did ou-"

"Shut up, I don't wanna hear it." Jimin covers his ears once again.

"Okay, whatever you say." Taehyung sing as he skip out of Jimin's room. Jimin sighs and goes back to sleep, probably dreaming about Yoongi again.

[A.N]: Hey didn't I say I'll spice things up. There you go 😏🙄

I hope you like it cuz I tried my best 😅😆

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P.s. Thanks for the 3k :") I love y'all ♥💙

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