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After Seokjin said good bye to his therapist, he rushes to his room to see Jonghyun. He haven't seen him for 10 days because he told Seokjin that he'll be busy. Seokjin believes in him because they were like brothers, even thought they're friends.

"Hurry up, Doctor Kim. Jonghyun is waiting for me."

"Jin, its not possible that he's still-"

"No, he told me that he'll be back and I trust him. And don't tell me that he isn't alive. He is real!"

"Alright, Jin, I was wrong .... I'm sorry."

"That's better, thank you for understanding me, Doctor Kim."

But you don't understand, why don't you accept that he's gone .... Namjoon sighs deep and unlocks the door for his patient.









"But Jiminie!!" Yoongi whines, his grip is tightly secured around Jimin's wrist.

"But nothing, I'll be back soon."

"Actually, you may stay Doctor Park. The last doctor that Yoongi had, he always leave Yoongi behind. And was always texting with his girlfriend." The therapist, Doctor Lee, said while looking at Jimin in the eye.

Really .... what idiot would they do that to their patient? Jimin sighs deep, not wanting to be near to Yoongi.

"Fine, I'll be by the door."

"Can't you be next to me?"

"No, Yoongi, we don't want you distracted." The therapist gives Yoongi a warm smile.

Doctor Lee is an middle aged women, straight, perfect white teeth, rosy cheeks, flawless, wavey dyed blonde hair, she had blue eye contacts but her real eye color is deep, chocolate brown that anyone can fall for them.

She was beautiful.

But not to Yoongi.


"No, Yoongi! I'll be right here, I'm not going anywhere. Do you understand?" Jimin wanted to punch the wall.

"Whatever." Yoongi lets go of Jimin and turns around. He glares at Doctor Lee with anger. Yoongi wants to rip the therapist in half.

"Alright, it's about to start and I'm going to pass around a blink sheet of paper and a pencil. And I want you to write what you like about yourself and how you feel about when your around others."

Yoongi smirk as he thought about Jimin. He began to write down his thoughts.

"Is everyone ready?"

They nod, but Yoongi was to busy writing.

"Ok, let's start with Lisa and will go counterclockwise."

"Umm .... what I like myself is my hair .... and my weight, even though I'm chubby. And when I'm with others .... I feel happy because I like my friends .... and my doctor said that I'm doing good making more friends and being positive."

"Good, keep it up! Joshua, you're next."

"I like my personality and when I'm around people .... I feel like people judge me."

"Awww don't think like that, Joshua. No one's judging you .... you're special to all of us."

Tsk special, my ass .... Yoongi roll his eyes, he was annoyed by the Doctor Lee and everyone around him.

"Jackson, sweetie your next."

Jackson nods as he stands, he clears his voice as he reads from his paper.

"I like myself and my crazy inner life and I love my friends, especially the ones who aren't my friends; like him." Jackson points at Yoongi with a smile on his face.

Yoongi look up from the paper and glared at him.

"See! He likes me too!"

Yoongi gives him a 'are you serious' face, rolling his eyes for the millionth time, he continues with his work.

"Right, I'm sure he likes you too, Jackson. Your turn, Jeongyeon."

"I don't want to talk about my personality, and I don't care about people around me except my friends. I feel comfortable with them, even though they tease me. I don't want anyone other than my friends."

"Oh I wish you were more open about your personality, so we can know you more."

"Exactly ..... I don't want all of you to know who I am."

"Well .... alrighty, maybe in the future. Yoongi?"

Yoongi sighs deep and took a deep breath. He wasn't done with yet, but he knows what to say.

He looks at everyone, they were looking at him, he wished he didn't want to speak to them but he has to let Jimin know how he feels.

He clears his voice and licks his slightly dry lips. And-

[A.N]: Sorry for the hangclifter .... I don't want to continue on this chapter 🙃 I wrote it on the next one. Vote this chapter to know what Yoongi's gonna say 😏😉

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