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Jimin was preparing dinner for Taehyung and himself. Taehyung sat by the window feeling the cold slightly entering from a small hole. He stares at the rain as he think about his boyfriend.

"Tae, food's ready!" Jimin yells to get Taehyung's attention.

Thankfully, Taehyung heard and calmly walks to the kitchen.

"What ya make?"

"냉면." Jimin said with a small smile and puts the bowls on the table.

"Hmm my favorite, you never forget my favorites."

"You know my favorites are your favorites, right?" Jimin raised an brow.

"Oh right, I forgot." Taehyung teased.

"How rude! And you said we're best friends." Jimin pouts

"Yah, I was kidding. I never get your my best friend, if you only grow taller."

"You little-"

Jimin was about to curse but was cut off by the phone in the living room.

"I'm not picking up this time." Taehyung sits in his seat and begins eating his cold noodles.

Jimin roll his eyes as he went to answer the annoying phone.

"Hello?" Jimin answered the phone and froze for a long time.

"Oh my- we'll be there." Jimin hang up and rushes to the kitchen.

"Tae something bad happened to Hobi." Jimin turns off the stove and puts his bowl to the fridge.

"What? What happened?"

"I don't know, we gotta go now." Jimin takes off his apron and gets his keys and runs to his room to get his jacket.

"Let's go." Tae stands and grab his bowl and carefully ran to the door while eating.









Jungkook was sitting on a comfy, wooden chair, next to Hobi, where he was sleeping peaceful with wires on his body and oxygen tube in his nostrils.

Thirty minutes ago was a disaster. He had to watch Hobi getting a large tube shoving down his throat to get the pills out for a minute before the nurses push him out.

Now Hobi is saved thanks to Jungkook.

"We came here asap, is he okay?" Jimin was panting as Taehyung walks carefully, finishing his noodles.

"He's fine. The doctor said he'll wake up in the morning." Jungkook said, eyes leaving from Hoseok to his friends.

"Thank God." Jimin took a deep breath and look at the elder.

"What happen to him, Kookie? How are you?" Taehyung tries to comfort the younger as Jungkook look pale.

Taehyung place the bowl on the desk next to Jungkook.

"Scared but I'm okay. I think he overdose some pills I had."

"You had pills?" Taehyung question

"It's only for the pain." Jungkook blurted out.

"What kind of pain?"

"Please Tae, I'm not trying to kill myself again."

"I'm worried."

"Stop worrying about me, are you worried about Hobi?"

"I am, but I'm focusing on you-"

"Stop thinking I'm harming myself! I'm not! The pills that Hobi took were for headaches! God, you're overreacting."

"I'm overreacting? Listen-"

"Guys, enough. We're here for Hoseok. Tae, you'll deal with Jungkook and the pills. We need to stay quiet for Hobi, he needs some sleep."

"Fine." Taehyung stands and walks to the other side of the room and sits on a chair.

"I fucked up. I fucked up so bad." Jungkook softly talks to himself as he feels tears slowly coming out of his eyes.

Jimin gets close to the younger and kneels down to an asian squat.

"No, you didn't. Taehyung was worried about you and Hobi Hyung. You did nothing. You're worried about Hobi too. That's why you're acting like this." Jimin spoke softly as he looks at Jungkook's eyes.

"Thanks Jiminie, you know how to calm me down." Jungkook whispers.

He stop crying and hugs Jimin.

"Anytime Kookie." Jimin hugs him back.

[A.N]: Oh thank God Hobi's ok 😥
Oh hi everyone 😆
How's everyone doing? I'm fine. I got a little sick for the past 3 days 😷 but I'm fully recovered. I'm ready to write the next chapter 💃

This book is almost at 4k 😱 I never had so many readers in all my Watpad years. If this book can get to 10k, I'm gonna freak out and continue writing more Vkook and Yoonmin stories 😭💖

Hmm after this book, shall I relase the book I'm writing or continue finishing the others that I never finish 🤔?

Tell me what you think of and don't forget to comment, vote and share.

Thanks for reading 🐥💕💌

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