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The room was silent. Jimin could only hear his own heart beat and a loud buzzing sound ringing in his ear. He watch how Hoseok fell to the cold, hard floor. He watch how blood spills from his stomach. Hoseok remains unmoved. Jimin wants to scream, but he couldn't find his voice.

Yoongi looks at Jimin, smirking and threw the gun near Hoseok.

"Let's go." Yoongi tugs Jimin, but Jimin didn't budged.

"Jimin, I swear, I'll fucking kill you on this spot if you don't move your damn feet."

"You ... really killed him."

"Yes, I hit the jackpot, now mo-"

"LET GO OF ME!! YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!!" Jimin shoved Yoongi and run to Hoseok.

But he was stopped by a person, grabbing him from the back and pulling him away. Jimin cries, screams, and tries to hit the person.

Jimin feels weak and defeated. His legs wobbles and it himself fall to the floor.

Yoongi, who was grabbing him, tries to sooth the younger, but Jimin wasn't listening. He continues to cry and saying that Yoongi is a bad guy and he lost Hoseok.

Yoongi felt a little pity, but he shook it off after Jimin kept pushing away. He drags the wipping boy towards the door, but Jimin can't let him win.

Jimin hits Yoongi's arms and breaks free. He stands up, but was caught again.

"Stop struggling, you little-"

A gunshot was fired.

The two men froze. They see Hoseok, still alive ... sitting up. He was holding the gun that Yoongi threw. Hoseok's eyes widen as he saw what he had done.

He shot Jimin.

Jimin felt pain slowly rising in his chest. The blood gushes out rapidly. Jimin can feel weaker and weaker as the seconds go by.

"NO!!" Yoongi screams, still holding Jimin in his arms.

Seokjin pull out a gun from his side and shot Hoseok by the head.

"Jimin, Jimin, stay with me. W-We'll give medical treatment, just stay calm and still. I-I promise you'll be fine. Jin, hel-"

"No." Jimin whispers. "I- promise me one thing ..."

"Shhhh don't talk, babe."

"Yoon- let m-me ta-lk."


"D-Don't k-kil-l pe-op-le." Jimin gasps as he speaks.

Yoongi looks into Jimin's eyes and nods his head.

Jin, Jonghyun, and Namjoon were long gone. They left Yoongi to solve his problem.

Now everything seems going by slow. The police enter the room, they grab Yoongi and pull him away from Jimin. For the first time of his life, he left weak.

Jimin drew his last breath.

'I love you, Yoongi.' Jimin mouth out the words.

The whole world stops.

No more.
No more.
No more.

Yoongi feels dead.

Because he only lover died.

And what was worse ... Jimin finally confessed.

[A.N]: Ok, hate me if you like. I'm sad too 😢 sorry if I didn't update sooner ... I was busy making another story 🙂😙

This book will be done soon 😔😭 be strong my beautiful readers 🙏😭💙 I'm going to miss this book sm.

If you guys are curious the book I will be publishing soon, I'll give you guys a heads up. I have two or three stories that I'm not sure which to publish. I'll see which is the best 😍

Thanks for reading and have a great day or night 😘😽

P.s. My cat got injured again, except it's not that bad. Someone, my family and I suspect it was our neighbor, hit my baby on the shoulder. He's fine now ... just he can't walk well. He'll be limping for awhile 💔 I hope my family and I move in a better neighborhood soon.

And I have a recommendation for y'all, please look up Dark Knight by ONE 'N ONLY. It's such a bop, they're amazing 😍😍

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