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"First of all, I hate everyone around here, except ..... someone I know very well."

Jimin looks up from his phone when he heard Yoongi talking. He put away his phone so it won't be taken away.

"Second, I'm not going to talk about myself- it's about someone who I like very much." He looks at the paper before he said. "When I'm with that person, I feel happy and I get the urge to protect them. They drive me crazy sometimes and other times .... I feel sane.

"My love for them is larger than the whole universe. I'd give them whatever they want, even if I have to rip my own heart out just to give it to them. There's no one other then the person I love. I don't want to say the name because you all don't know what's their name."

He folds the paper in half, since it was all that he wrote and inhiles before he continues.

"No one has ever made me ..... feel that way. They make me feel different, special, and somewhat wanted. Call me a love loser, but at least I'm not a hopeless romantic guy." Yoongi looks at Jimin in the eyes. "I wish that person would listen to me- not by my appearance, my craziness, or by my actions .... but from my heart. I want someone to always look up to me when I'm down or when I'm hurt. I want that person to be by my side forever."

Jimin didn't know what to say, he was ..... amazed. How can the elder say such beautiful words .....

"Oh my, Yoongi that was beautiful. I hope the girl would accept you as a boyfriend!"

Yoongi gave her 'what the fuck' face, then roll his eyes before looking at his Jimin.

"Ok, now that were done, everyone can go back to their rooms. Bye my children, see you tomorrow."

Yoongi was glad that it was over, he couldn't wait to be with Jimin.

"Yoongi, did you really wrote that? Was it supposed to be for a girl or someone special?" Jimin ask while looking at Yoongi with an awe.

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"Me?! Pff never, just .... curious."

Yoongi hummed that the younger. He couldn't help but to smirk.

They silently walk over to Yoongi's room. Jimin unlock the door and lets Yoongi enter first.

"What do want to do now?" Yoongi laid on his messy bed.

"Well, I got to go and-"

"No, stay with me."

"Sorry Yoongi, but my work here is done. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Jimin turn around and open the door.

Before he can exit, he was pulled back and the door slam shut.

Yoongi pushed him against the wall, trapping him with his hands at either sides of Jimin's head.

"You're not going anywhere, Chimmy. Remember what I said this morning. I need to teach you a lesson for cussing at me with that pretty mouth of yours."

Jimin was shaking in fear.

Yoongi grabs Jimin's wrist and drag him over to his bed. Yoongi sat first and pulled Jimin to lay on his lap with Jimin's back facing to the ceiling.

"W-wait, what a-are you doing? Let me go!"

"Don't make this hard for the both of us, either do this and shut up or I'll take you and fuck you, hard and raw."

Jimin shuts up lets Yoongi do what he has to do.

"That's more like it. I want you to count for me, we're going to do thirty-five."

"Yoongi, can we just-"

"What did I just say about shuting up?!"

Yoongi pulls his jeans down, revealing Jimin's smooth, round butt cheeks. They look like as if they beg Yoongi to wreak them, but he can resist it.


Yoongi raised his hand and smacks harshly against the younger's butt cheeks.

Jimin let a loud yelp and tried not to cry.














"Good, you're doing great. Just four more and we'll be done."

"I-I can't ...... t-to painful. P-please, s-stop." Jimin was sobbing, his eyes were puffy red, his cheeks were puffy from the tears, snot was coming out.

"Alright ...... we're done for the day." Yoongi pulls Jimin's jeans up and helps Jimin to stand and to sit on his lap with Jimin's legs either Yoongi's sides. Yoongi hugs Jimin and Jimin hugs him back too.

He felt bad for the younger, especially that he's crying.

He should have never take it far.

"Jimin, I'm sorry."

"Y-you s-still haven't ch-changed either. Y-you're e-evil."

It cracked Yoongi's heart a little, but he admits it.

"I know .... I'll try to change."

[A.N]: I have no idea what I wrote 😅 the image just popped into my head. I hope it was good .....

I love how Yoongi express his feelings to Jimin. And I love how Jimin's naive 😂 it's a perfect combination of a beautiful couple.

Oh and Blackpink's comeback was good, it made my days bright 😍 they're just ...... ugh they're so perfect 😭❤ I love them so much 💕

Anyways thanks for reading 🐰🐾

P.s. I'm gaining a lot of readers and people voting my story and commenting and putting my story on their reading lists ..... I'm so proud of you guys 😭👏❤ keep it my beautiful readers 💕

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