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"Do you have someone in life?" Seokjin looks at the Namjoon, who was typing on the computer in his office.

Namjoon had to sneak Seokjin in his office because Seokjin hates to be alone, especially at night.

Namjoon usually stays in the asylum until 11 and go home, finish more research about Seokjin, go to sleep at 1 or sometimes at 2, and had to wake up at 4 to be ready at 5 because Seokjin was always an morning person. If Seokjin doesn't find Namjoon in his room before he wakes up, well let's just say .... he'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the whole day.

"If you're talking about yes."

"No, I mean .... like ... are you in arelationship?" Seokjin fiddle his fingers and walks around the office.

"No, I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone at the moment. Because I'm a busy man and I'm dedicated to my job." Namjoon glance at the elder and focus back to his computer.

Seokjin nods and checks around the office.

"Is it possible to fall for someone, someone who you're not supposed to?"

"Depends if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Who is it?"

"What if I say .... I may not be his type but .... I can change for him? Would that be a good thing?" Seokjin stops beside Namjoon, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"All you have to do is to have faith and try. If you really love her or him, you should try to change."

"..... and you're going to help me, right? I'll get better?" 

"Of course you will." Namjoon holds Seokjin's hand, his giant hand tangles with the smaller and feminine hands.

"What's it like .... to be in love?"

"Well- it has a lot of meanings, such as loving food, loving your family, loving yourself, loving someone who loves you back, loving childr-"

"Do you love me?"

Namjoon stops talking and looking Seokjin in the eyes.

"Umm ..... well, you're my patient and I care about you."

"Do you really love me? You care about me, so it means you love me. Am I wrong?"


"Please tell me. Don't leave me standing here for hours, giving me one of your damn lectures."

"Seokjin, this is serious. I can say I care about you, but I can't say-"

The knocking on the door stops Namjoon.

"Shit! Get under the desk." Namjoon moves his chair back, letting the elder crawl in the small space. Namjoon carefully push his chair back to it's place and tries to hit Seokjin.

Seokjin was on his knees, hands on the floor, his eyes were shut close, and was trying to breath properly. Thankfully it was just a knock, people these days just barge through the doors, almost breaking them.

"Namjoon, are you here?" The person asked on the other side of the door.

"Y-Yea, come in."

The door swing opens and the familiar person steps in.

"Jimin, w-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?"

"I have to stay a bit because the devil won't stop talking to me. I swear I wanna kill him."

"Ah I see, then you got to show him who's the boss." Namjoon shrugged, he wasn't interested about helping the poor boy since it wasn't his problem.

"Hm yea, yea you're right. Thanks Hyung for the advice. See you tomorrow."

"Sure thing, Jimin- ahh!"

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yea, just .... uh yawning." Namjoon did a fake yawn and pretend to stretch his arms.

"Oh-kay, bye Namjoon Hyung."

Namjoon smiles awkwardly and waves his hand. Jimin walks out of the room and shuts the door.

"Seokjin!" Namjoon rolled back his chair.

"Yes?" Seokjin pop out between Namjoon's legs.

"Why the hell are you touching my fucking dick and my fucking thighs?"

"Because ...."

[A.N]: hi ..... ok so another week passed and I checked about 2 days ago my kitty's leg and seems that it wasn't broken. He sits down properly and tries to walk ..... but he still hurt his leg ☹

He has two large cuts, my mom and I are curing him. He's getting better. I'm glad it wasn't broken, if it was, I'd probably be depressed.

But he's ok now.

He's eating well and playing a bit with my other cats 😊 he's a one lucky kitty 😽

Thanks for reading 🐼💙 and sorry for the cliffhanger 😅 but ..... see ya later 🙃

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