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"Aww look at the cute puppy. It has your eyes, Kookie." Taehyung cooed as he pets the huskey dog.

"Look Tae, this is the most fluffest bunny I've ever seen. Can we keep one?"

"Sure babe." Taehyung kissed Jungkook's cheek and back hug him.

"Can you two be less gross?" Jimin joked as he stares at the dog toys.

"When are you get a guy?" Taehyung backfires.

"I'm not gay, dude!"

"And I'm the Gucci model."

"Whatever." Jimin rolls his eyes and walked away from the couple.

Suddenly, his phone went off. Jimin was embarrassed and quickly apologizes people near him.

"What's up?"

"Doctor Park, can you come to the asylum? This is important."

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Thank you."

Jimin hanged up and ran back where Taehyung and Jungkook were.

"Guys, I'm sorry but they called me and asked me to go to the asylum again."

"Did something happened?" Jungkook asked, while holding a kitten.

"I-I don't know ..... I hope not."

"Alright, let's go back." Taehyung sigh and took his boyfriend's hand.

"No, you two should hang out a little longer. I didn't want to ruin your date." To be honest, Jimin felt a little guilty for ruining their day.

"It's ok Jimin, we already had multiple dates and today, we'll just hang out at our house."

"Yeah, besides I'm tired from walking so much and I'm hungry." Jungkook pouts as he wraps Taehyung's side.

The three men went back home after getting Jungkook a bunny.

"What happened here?" Jimin rushes to Namjoon when he saw police and the ambulance.

"I don't know ..... I heard that someone killed a guy."

"Who would do that?"

"Apparently, one of the guards fell asleep and an hour later, he woke up, checked the security cameras and found a dead person hanging in the ceiling in a room."

"Which room?" Jimin felt his spin shivered and his blood went frozen.

"They couldn't tell me more details. That's all they told me."

"Everyone, I need you to go to your patients immediately! And stay by their side at all times!" The head of the asylum said.

Namjoon and Jimin went to find their patients, which they are safe in their rooms.

"Take care, alright." Namjoon said, before walking into his patient's room.

"You too." Jimin said after and unlocks the door.

The first thing he see is a sleepy Yoongi, who just barley woke up from the sound of the door.

"What the fuck do you want? It's not 3 yet." Yoongi rubs his eyes, trying to see who it is.

"If you don't want me here, then I guess I'll leave." Jimin sassed, crossing his arms.

"Wait, Jimin?!" Yoongi jumped up from his bed rushes to the younger.

"Jimin, I missed you. I thought you weren't coming today." Yoongi smiles and tries not hug Jimin.

"Well, sonething happened and I was rushed here. Do you know what happened?"

"N-No ..... what happened?"

"Someone was killed, I guess last night or something."

Yoongi didn't say anything, instead he was in his own world .

"Do you know about this or ..... you heard someone was going to kill a person?" Jimin tries to see Yoongi's eyes.

"No." Yoongi whispers, almost not audible and walks back to his bed slowly.

Jimin was getting a little suspicious about Yoongi's behavior.

[A.N.]: Hey everyone, how are y'all doing? Sorry for not updating sooner .... been having ups and downs.

But I'm fine.

Okay, maybe not ..... since I'm hearing Before Our Spring Day by Jonghyun and The Truth Untold by BTS right now. I'm getting so emotional T_T

What song do you hear when you feel sad?

Please comment because I'm curious and I can hear them too 😆

This is the end of the note ..... thank you for reading 💜🐾🐰

Take care ❤

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