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After the long, tiring day, Jimin threw himself on his bed. He blew a long sigh as he remember the phone call today.









A few hours ago                   11:29 am









The day was just like every other day for Park Jimin.

Everything was fine and calm.

Well, not that calm because Yoongi would always bother Jimin every minute.



"Chim Chim."

"Baby boy."




"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Jimin yelled as he clunches his fists.

"I thought you love it when I call you by cute nicknames." Yoongi smirks as he lean his head to his hand.

The two men are now in Yoongi's room. Yoongi, who is laying on his bed, was staring at the younger as Jimin, who is sitting on a chair he brought from the break room, writes Yoongi's progress on the file.

"Yoongi, I swear I'll throw you out the window."

"I'd like to see you try, babe."

"Stop testing me." Jimin hissed.

"I'm not, I just want to see your reaction." Yoongi makes the cute gummy smile.

Jimin sighs as he continues to write. It was peaceful for a few minutes until Jimin's phone went off.

Jimin took his device out of his pocket and check.

It was Taehyung.

Jimin had to answer because you never know what that idiot did at the house. He can accidentally break the t.v.or a lamp or worse .... burn Jimin's favorite clothes with an iron.

"What happen? Did you flushed the house again?" Jimin mumbled annoyed as he stops writing and look at Yoongi for a second before looking around the room.

"No no ..... not this time, thank God. In fact, Hobi's coming over and hang out with us. Ah, and he wants to talk to you when he comes."

"Alright, at what time he's coming?"

"Hmm he said he'll come at 6-ish."

"Okay, tell him that I'll come at 7:30 and I'll bring food."

"Bring McDonald's!!" Taehyung shouts through the phone. Jimin helds the phone away from his ear and cringe.

"Fine, bye Tae Tae."

"See ya, Chim Chim. Love you!!"

Jimin hang up before putting his phone away, but a hand stop him.

"Who was that on the phone?"

"My friend call me." Jimin tugs hard that Yoongi lets go.

"I heard he call you 'Chim Chim' and you didn't say anything to him." Yoongi was getting furious by the second.

"He's my friend, he can call me whatever he wants."

"Oh really? That sounds like you two are a couple."

"No we're not, he has a boyfriend!"

"Then he's a slut."

"What you call him?!" Jimin now is angry. No one ever call Taehyung a slut. Not even in front of Jimin.

"You heard me, I don't want you near him."

"He's my best friend!!"

"And what am I to you?"

"A patient!!"

That made the two men stop yelling. After a while they didn't say anything, only hard breathing.

Yoongi gets close to Jimin. Jimin cowardly backs himself against the wall. Yoongi puts his hands sides of Jimin's head as he leans close to Jimin's ear.

"Shall I prove you that I'm not just a patient?" He whispers as he bit Jimin's earlobe.

"L-Leave me a-alone." Jimin puts his hands on Yoongi's chest and tries to push him, but a part of him seems like he enjoys how Yoongi talks to the younger. To Jimin, it's a turn on and doesn't understand why he likes it, but he's not complaining.

"No, I won't leave you alone because you need me."

"You mean you need me? Yoongi, you're not well. And I can imagine how you're going through."

"That's not what I meant, you idiot." Yoongi stares Jimin's figures. He has soft, raven black hair, beautiful dark chocolate, soothing eyes, cute little nose, soft, sort of chubby cheeks, perfect pink plum lips that Yoongi is dying to taste, firm, but gentle jaw. Yoongi can go on forever thinking about Jimin.

Before a Jimin could do anything, he froze up when a pair of lips smashed into his.

[A.N]: Hey everyone,
I hope everyone had a great summer because mine was boring ;-; but I find reader adding my story in their reading lists and commenting and reading my story. It makes me wanting to cry in joy. Wow, you guys are the best 😭👏

I love you all sm and take care ❤

Thanks for reading 💌💕

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