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"So how was you day? Is it true that your working in a asylum?" Hoseok asks after laughing Taehyung's pun.

The three men are sitting in the living room, watch a movie and catching up what they done after 6 months.

"Yeah, I been there for a month. It's going great!"

"Hehe tell him about creepy Yongay." Taehyung cracks up as Jimin playfully hits his side.

"No, I'm not going to talk about him."

"Who is he?" Hoseok tilts his head to the side while looking curiously at the two morons.

Jimin shuts his eyes and sighs.

"It's this guy I'm helping him to cure. He's annoying as hell. He's kind of creepy and possessive."

"Ah, he's your stalker?"

"No .... he's just annoying."

"Did you know him or seen him before?"

"Why did you asked?"

"Well, if he's annoying you, I'm pretty sure it's because he knows you. Right?"

"No, I never met him before."

Hoseok hums as he believe Jimin's lie.

"But if you do know him, what would you do?"

"I don't know .... run away, I guess."

"Really Jimin, okay, how about this? If he was at your door, in the middle of the night, he enter the house. And he walks to your room. And finds you sleeping on your bed. And kills you in your sleep. What would you do?"

"Uhhh ..... try to defend myself?"

"Never mind, you don't seem to understand."

"No I do, just that question .... I'm confused."

"What if he's trying to get close to you and decides to kill you?"

"He can't do because he lo-" Jimin stops himself and wanted to slap himself for say or about to say 'love'.

"He what?"


"He said Yoongi's in love with Jim-" Taehyung was cut off by Jimin.

"Do you want me to kick you out of the house and let you sleep in the cold? Because I can do it."

"Aww is Jiminie embarrassed because he has an admire?"

"Shut up, Tae." Jimin groans and slightly kick Taehyung arm as Taehyung's laughs.

"That's cute, Jimin. I'd like to met this admirer of yours." Hoseok chuckles as he leans his back against the small couch and continues watching the movie.

The three men heard their phone beep and turn at each other.

"Who's is it?"


Hoseok said and grab his phone to see the message.

Message from Unknown:

Hey Hoseok, I wanna talk to you tomorrow at 3. Can you make it?

Hoseok reply yes and turn off his phone.

"Who was it?"

"My mom .... she told me to take care and to stay in your house."

"Really?! Sleepover!!" Taehyung screamed.

"Shush Tae Tae, the neighbors are going to bang at the door and scream at us. And we're putting the blame on you. And we're kicking you out."

"At least, Kookie would accept me at his house and we can scream whenever we want." Taehyung pouts, cross his arms and watch the movie.

"Taehyung, please don't say anything sexual."

"As if you're innocent, I bet you'll be screaming louder than Jungkook."

"That's it! Good night everyone, I'm going to bed." Jimin stood and was about to walk away but was held by Taehyung's hand clenching Jimin's PJ's.

"Wait, no, come back. I was kidding, I'll stop talking. Don't miss this part."

"Whatever, fine." Jimin goes back to his seat and watch the boring movie.

[A.N]: Hello everyone :) how's everyone doing today? I hope y'all having a great day, even if it's bad days, be positive. I'm trying to be positive and hear kpop songs to bright up my day ♥

Sorry if it's a short, boring chapter. I'll try to spice things up 😏

Thanks for reading 🐁🐾💌

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