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Hoseok slowly open his eyes. He feels only pain in his throat, arms, stomach, eyes and head.

He sees the ceiling moving as if the world is spinning quickly.

Was he dreaming?

He doesn't know.

He shut his eyes again to reveal darkness.

He can't hear, only a fainted voice.

He can't tell who is it or what they were saying. Perhaps he was too far. Or this is just a imagination or a dream.

"Hoseok, I know you can hear me? You think you can escape from me. Pathetic. I can't believe you're so fucking weak, but you're still useful to me. I can't lose you yet, but if you don't make it out, Imma get another to keep an eye on your friend. Don't worry, he'll be in good hands. If you make it, you can still be with him. Taking care of him for me. Now .... when I mean don't fail, doesn't mean you can overdose yourself and leaving me behind without any news about you. You might be wondering how I found out that you overdose." The man's voice scoff.

"I have eyes everywhere. Everywhere you go, especially my baby. Remember Hoseok, don't do anything stupid unless you wanna get killed by me. For now recover yourself. You need it to look after my baby boy."

Hoseok quickly open his eyes, ignoring the pain.

"Don't do anything to him!" He shouts as he grips on the bed sheets.

"Hobi? Hobi, it's us, relax. Lay back down." Jungkook gently pushes Hoseok to lay.

"Who were you talking to?" Jimin went close to the elder.

"H-Huh?" Hoseok looks at the three young men.

"You shout 'don't hurt him', do we know this person? Is he or she in trouble?" Taehyung goes to Hoseok's side and his fingers are found on Hoseok's hair. It usually calms Hoseok down when he has nightmares or he can't sleep or if he's worried.

"N-No one .... it's no-o one .... j-just a dr-ream." Hoseok lied as he gasps between his sentence.

"Hoseok, remember to breath properly. Follow me, breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. That's it." Hoseok took deeps breaths as Taehyung smile sadly.

"How long was I sleeping?" Hoseok asks, after taking multiple deep breaths.

"3 days." Jungkook answer Hoseok's question, he look exhausted and worried.


"Yea, it's shocking, isn't it?" Taehyung asks, hands are still in Hoseok's hair because he loves how soft Hoseok's hair is and doesn't mind.

"What time is it?"

"It's 9:47 p.m. I'll be back, I'm going to get the doc." Jimin went out of the room and search for the doctor.

"Hoseok, don't tell me that you tried to suicide again." Taehyung stops playing with Hoseok's hair and brush his hair back, frustrated.


"Then why did you faint in my house?" Jungkook asked. 

"It was probably the .... the rain. You know how I am and the cold weather. We're like enemies, who shouldn't seen each other." Hoseok manage to speak without stuttering.

"I guess so .... I was worried when you went unconscious." Jungkook whisper the last part as tears threaten to come out.

Taehyung rushed to his boyfriend's side and hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry ...." Hoseok whispers as he watch the couple cuddle in front of him. Making him feel like a lonely whale.

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