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"W-Why?" Jimin said almost inaudible, but the people heard him.

"Well Jiminie, we can't stay here forever. We all got to eacape and survive in the real world. Not everyone's lives are pretty and like fairytale stories." Seokjin said while placing his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, gripping harshly.

"Don't hurt Namjoon!" Jimin screamed and stands still.

"He's mine and only mine. No one can love him like I do. Not even that stupid therapist, Doctor Lee. Thankfully .... she's out of our site."

"What do you mean?"

"I killed her before she could claim Joonie. I never liked her- she wasn't that pretty either." Seokjin explains as he smiles wickedly.

"Oh God ..." Jimin spoke softly.

"Jimin, come close." A familiar person said, starring at Jimin dead in the eyes.

"Please, you don't have to-" Jimin begs, but was cut off.

"Shut up!"

"Yoongi, please, stop yelling. Imma be deaf before I hit 30." Seokjin whines as he hit Yoongi.

Yoongi, who seems different than before. He wears a black and white striped long sleeve shirt. A pair of dark navy blue skinny jeans. A pair of black and white converse. And a white mouth mask. His eyes looked bored and deadly.

"Alright, just .... don't hurt me." Jimin walks close to Yoongi.

"Babe, you do know I'll never hurt you; even if you hurt me. I can never lay a finger on you." Yoongi gaze turns soft as he stares into Jimin's eyes and gently holds Jimin's small hand.

Jimin feels a bit relax by Yoongi's touch. He truly knows Yoongi loves him deeply. Jimin finally understands why he finds peace by Yoongi's side. He is in love in Yoongi.

"Can we go as we planed?" Jonghyun randomly asks.

"Right- Jimin, would you like to escape with me, Seokjin, and Jonghyun? We'll go anywhere you'll like to go." Yoongi said to Jimin.

"I- Yoongi, I'm afraid I can't go. You're not well or Seokjin. I understand you don't like it here, but- I promise, I'll go with you when you're cured."

"You ... don't want to come with me?" Yoongi sneered, chuckling as if Jimin told him a joke.

"It's not that-"

"Then what?! Am I not good enough for you?" Yoongi yells at Jimin's face as he tightens his grip.

"Y-Yoongi, you're hurting me." Jimin tries to lose Yoongi's grip, but fails.

"Why can't you see? I did everything to get you to like me .... and this is how you repay me."

"I-" Jimin doesn't know what to say. He wish this was a dream, so he can wake up and enjoy the weekend with his best friends.

"Jonghyun, give me a gun." Yoongi commands.

Jonghyun did as he was told. He took a gun from his side and gives it to Yoongi.

"Let's see if you still want to go with me after I kill one of your friends."

"Y-Yoongi, please d-don't do it."

"Hoseok!! Come here!"

Hoseok immediately opens the door and quickly stands in front of everyone.

"What's your answer, Jimin?" Yoongi stares hard at Jimin, with his gun pointing in front of Hoseok's chest.

Hoseok was scared. He doesn't want to get shot, but he can't disobeyed his boss.

Jimin looks at Hoseok, then at Yoongi's hard, cold eyes. He gulps as he tries to figure how to save himself and Hoseok.

"If ... I go with you, you'll free Hoseok and Namjoon." Jimin said without stuttering.

"Hoseok will be free, but sadly, Seokjin won't agree with that."

Jimin looks over at Seokjin. Seokjin had a serious face, that looks like he can murder anyone who touches him- or Namjoon.

"The choice is yours." Yoongi adds, still holding the gun.

"I- I don't want to go."

"Very well." Yoongi looks at Hoseok and pulls the trigger.

[A.N]: Hi everyone, I decided to make a double update because I feel bad for not updating regularly.

During the last 3 days, I was watching this Chinese drama, 'Meteor Garden 2018' and I fell in love with it. Please don't start telling me what happens .... I'm in episode 17, I barley started it and it'll take me ... a few nights to finish :') and after that, I'll watch 'Boys Over Flowers'. And that's all I have to say today.

Thanks for reading and have a great day or night 💕💙💕💚💕

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