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The room was dark and cold. As soon as Namjoon opens his eyes, he thought he was dead for sure.

"Oh God, is this how it feels like to die? I thought I was supposed to be in heaven. Lord, please forgive me for my sins .... please forgive Jin for-"

"Oh shut up! You're not dead, idiot!"

"Who's there?" Namjoon tries to see the figure in the dark.

"Do I have to turn on the lights?" They turn on the lights and it reveals-

"JIN!! What are you doing? Untie me right now." Namjoon yells at the elder, who was standing casually against the wall.

"We got to wait for a someone, babe." Seokjin said sickly, giving Namjoon a smirk.

"Jin, please .... untie me and together, we can escape and we .... don't do this to me. You don't know what you're doing."

"I know what I am doing, Kim Namjoon. Getting what belongs to me."

"You think having me tied up in this chair will get any closer to get what you want."

"Every step a way. Once I get it, we'll live happily .... do you understand?"

"You're not well-"

"So you call me crazy?"

"No, I-"

"Damn it, Jonghyun, GET IN HERE!!"

The door opens to reveal the person who we all thought he died a long, long time ago.

"Hello, Doctor Kim Namjoon, I am Jonghyun .... Jin's friend."








The afternoon turn to night, the moon shines through the cold night. The night was quiet- well, not quiet because the cars are heard time to time in the streets.

Jimin park his car in the parking lot. He walk towards the asylum. Seems that no one is in the asylum which is wierd. He knows there's securities always checking the cameras.

He enters the asylum, he stands in the center of room. He doesn't know what to do since he doesn't have the stranger's number.

"Hey, I'm here! Where are you at?"

Jimin looks around the room and found a note, stick to the wall. He grabs the note and reads it.

'Go straight ahead'

Jimin follows what the note says, he called the police a while ago, so perhaps they're on their way to save him.

He found another note on the wall.

'Go right and turn left'

He follow what the notes say until he grab another note.

'Look to your left and open the door. There's a surprise for you~.'

He can feel fear as his spin became to shivering. He can feel sweat against his forehead. He hands shakes as he grips the paper. He gulps hard and his eyes focus on the door.

He was now facing the door, his shaking hand reach the doorknob and slowly opens.

His eyes widened as he sees familiar people.

[A.N]: Hello everyone 💜 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I know it's a bit late, but I don't care 🤗😝

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night 💕💜💕💙💕

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