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Hoseok enter the room, it was dark and cold. Hoseok shivers as he tries to warm up.

"So you came?" A deep voice call out in the dark. It turn out more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah, sorry that I took long. You know how busy I get since I got another job." Hoseok nervously laughs, rubbing his hands together.

"Hmm how's everything with his life?"

"Well .... the same. Waking up early, go to work, taking care of his friend-"

"Make sure this 'friend' of his doesn't get to close to what is mine." The man cut Hoseok off. He walk around the room and went to the window. Hoseok can see the figure of the man.

"Sir, I think you're ov-"

"No, I'm not. I don't want him to fall in love other than me. Understood? Or would you like me to repeat it in another way?" The man hissed as he turn to Hoseok, angrily.

"N-No sir, I understand." Hoseok's head hang low. He can't give eye contact with the elder because he can be punished.

"Good .... don't test me Hoseok, or else you'll end up like what happened to Hongseok." The man smirk in the dark when he saw shaking in fear.

Hoseok remembers exactly what happened, he was a newbie when it happened. Hongseok was talking back at the elder about spending more time with the man. Poor Hongseok, before he could do anything, his throat was slice and was stab in his stomach. That was when Hoseok knew he made a wrong choice to come. He thought it was going to be a part time since he was going to college. Which it was, but it includes of killing people who gets into the elder's way.

"It won't happen sir, I promise."

"Then keep your big, ass mouth shut and do what I told you. Don't fail."

"Yes sir." Hoseok bows to the elder.

"What are you waiting for, to slap that ass of yours or what?"

Hoseok rush out of the room, running into the streets.

The man turn back to the window and watch as the raindrops hit against the glass.

"My little Angel .... Daddy's coming to get you and bring you home. Soon my darling, soon."

He walks to the edge of the bed and sits down. He sigh, knowing he can't see his Angel at this moment.

"Dream about me sweetheart, I'll think about you all night." He lays down, putting his arms behind his head.

[A.N]: Guess who is this man ;]
Hehehe that for all of you to find out.
I might have to update another one because this chapter is too short 😅 so yea ....

Thanks for reading 😇❤💃

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