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"Do you have everything prepared?" The male looks at the younger, his eyes pierce into the younger's soul. Hoseok feels frighten.

"Yes Sir, it's all set. What do you want me to do?" Hoseok said before looking at his shoes.

"Check on him and tell J to begin his mission. I don't want this plan to fail. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir-"

"And DON'T you fucking dare to kill yourself or I'll kill you with my bare hands!"

"Yes S-Sir."

"Then fucking leave!"

The younger male ran out, bumping into the doctors, including Jimin.

"Was that Hobi Hyung? Nah, it can't be him. He's with his family now." Jimin shakes his head and heads to his office.










"Jimin, you think I can do this? I mean - you're the only person who knows this."

Namjoon and Jimin sits alone in the break room.

"I'm sure Jin will love to. You said you're going to give him a present."

"But we can't date-"

"Then date secretly and no one will ever know."

"Yeah, but I can't take him to dates like a normal couple."

"That's fine, as long as he's curing, the faster he'll get out." Jimin smiles softly, making his eyes into crescent.

Namjoon nods, understanding, he stands up, finishing his cup of coffee.

"I got to get to work now or else my ass will get kicked." Namjoon jokes.

"I also have to go. I got papers to review and I need to check on Yoongs."

"Yoongs?" Namjoon asks.

"I-I mean Yoongi, m-my patient." Jimin stutters, blushing and throws his small, plastic cup away.

"Ah ... your lover boy." Namjoon wiggle his eyebrows.

"I see, well, we don't want to make your future boyfriend wait any longer." Namjoon winks and walks away.

Leaving Jimin, alone and blushing hard.

"He's not my boyfriend." Jimin mumbles softly.

He smiles and walks to his office.

[A.N]: Hey guys, I'm sorry that this update is small. I've been busy this week. And then there's Jonghyun's first year-

Ok, I'll stop... I hope you like this chapter. Next chapter will be .... interesting. Stay tune!!

Thanks for reading and have a great day or night.

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