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10 years later ...

Yoongi walks across the graveyard, watching the stones as he pass by. The weather was cold and the leaves began to fall from the trees. Somehow, the leaves remind Yoongi something; Park Jimin.

He finally reach the familiar stone. He stands in front of Jimin's stone.

After a good 10 minutes without saying anything, he took out something from his pocket.

"Hey Jimin, it's me again. I'm sorry that .... I caused this. I know you're mad at me. I wish you could forgive me and my stupidity. After 9 years in a another asylum, I finally became what you always wanted me to become. A normal person.

"I wish you were here, alive, breathing, smiling at me ... I-" Yoongi pause as he tries not to cry.

"God, Chimmy ... I'm so sorry! I did this to you. If I never met you, if you never went to that asylum, you would be still alive. I wish that shot was for me. I can't live without you. And ... I wanted to give you this."

Yoongi opens the small box, inside there was a engagement ring.

"See, that's why I was in a rush to get you out. That's why I didn't kill Hoseok ... because I wanted to ask your hand in marriage."

He close it and put it beside Jimin's gravestone.

"I will always remember you, Jimin. If you wish me to find someone, I will do that, but .... I don't think I can move on. I loved you so much."

His phone rang.

"Oh- I got to go. I have a job, it's a company. It's called BigHit Entertainment and I can produce music. The songs I wrote were all about you. Goodbye Jimin, I hope we'll see each other again soon."

Yoongi answer the phone as he leaves Jimin's gravestone, along with the ring.

Jimin wakes up, gasping for air. He flinch as he feels someone wrap around his shoulders.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just a bad dream." Jimin said after he's breathing was stable.

"Go back to sleep, I'll watch over you."

"Yoongi, you love me, right?" Jimin lays down, watching his lover licks his lips.

"Yes baby, so damn much."

"You'll never leave me ... even if I die." Jimin's voice squeak a little in the end.

"Does it have to do something about this dream of yours?" Yoongi spoke after 5 minutes of starring into their eyes.

Jimin nods slowly.

"The dream you had isn't real, you and I are here in the reality. No one's going to die. If that ever happens, I won't let that happen."

Jimin stares into Yoongi's deep eyes. Somehow, Jimin feels like he's at home; warm, comfortable, and safe.

Jimin smiles and began cuddling at Yoongi's side.

"Thank you, Yoonie. I feel better now."

"Wanna kiss?" Yoongi lazily wrap his arm around Jimin's small waist.

"Yes, please."

Yoongi peck Jimin's lips softy and pulls back.

"I love you, Yoongi."

"Love you too, baby."

They both slept peaceful after that.

The End.

[A.N]: This is the end of "Psycho", I hope y'all enjoyed it very much. I really do love reading your comments. They all made me laugh and happy. You're all the best. I love y'all so much and thank you for reading. Take care and read my other books that I'll be publishing soon 😘🐼💙

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