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"Was everything alright? Did Min Yoongi reveals he killed her?" Namjoon asked Jimin as he shuts the door.

"He said he didn't kill her; I asked him about it yesterday." Jimin grabs his cup of coffee, it was still warm where he left it. Jimin left his office to talk with Minhyuk about work and such.

"Wait, you weren't with him?" Namjoon stands from Jimin's favorite chair.

"No, no I wasn't. He told me to stay outside and so I did." Jimin pass Namjoon and sits his own chair.

"Look at that, taking orders from your patient. Seems like you're so whipped for him." Namjoon jokes at the younger.

"No, I am not." Jimin disagrees.

"It's clearly written all over your face, Jimin. You won't even stop talking about him everyday."

"That's because he's annoying demon, who likes to tease me and embarrass me."

"And what about you had to kiss him everyday?"

"That's .... none of your business!" Jimin blushes and focus his work, moving papers and writes information.

"You always talk about as if you .... like him."

"I do not. Now, leave me so I can finish my work."

"Fine, I'll leave you and your thoughts about .... Yoongi~."

Jimin was about to yell at the taller male, but Namjoon ran out as fast as lighting.

Jimin takes a deep breath through his nostrils and releases it through his mouth.

Jimin leans back against his chair and look at the white ceiling. He didn't felt like doing papers, he felt like going to Yoongi's-

Hold up.

No, Jimin shouldn't think about him. Or the kisses he had to give everyday to that asshole. Or the cutest smile that devil gives him. Or the soft eyes that Yoongi has.

Ok, maybe he likes his figures .... but that doesn't mean he'll fall for him. Like he said before.

He wasn't interested in men.








Jimin went back to check on Yoongi. Not that he wants to see him. More like .... having company with his patient.

"Jimin, you haven't gave me a kiss yet .... or yesterday." Yoongi whines, tugging the younger's sleeve.

"I'll give it to you - later." Jimin said as he checks a few documents about Yoongi.

"Yea but 'later' will be tomorrow and you won't be here."

"I promise I'll give it to you."

"No, I'm tried of waiting. Give me a kiss." Yoongi demands.

"Yoongi, I-"

Yoongi didn't bother to let the other to finish. He stood up and cups Jimin's cheeks with his two hands and place his lips against his.

Jimin wants to push him away, but the kiss was distracting him.

Jimin drops his pen and the papers to the floor. His hands went to Yoongi's hair and tugs it. His eyes slowly close as he part his lips. Yoongi's tongue went through and plays with Jimin's mouth.

Yoongi lets one hand go around Jimin's waist while the other stays on Jimin's cheek. He brings Jimin closer, their now against chest to chest. Jimin tilts his head as they move in sync.

Jimin's hands went down to Yoongi's chest and push him to his messy bed. Jimin crawls on top of Yoongi and starts making out with him again.

Yoongi's hands wonder on Jimin's back to Jimin's ass. He gropes it as Jimin moans. Jimin leaves Yoongi's mouth and plants kisses from Yoongi's cheek to his neck. Jimin plans to make a hickey on the elder to show who's the boss. But Yoongi flips Jimin, straddle the younger's hips. Jimin startled for a second, but he understood what happened.

"Now, it's my turn." Yoongi's said, his voice is now husky and deeper than ever.

Yoongi dives for Jimin's neck. Jimin moans lightly, his hands tugging on Yoongi's shirt. Yoongi's hands went under Jimin's back, trying to pull the shirt off. Jimin wasn't focusing on Yoongi's hands .... he was focusing on Yoongi's lips.

They were soft, but yet chapped. But Jimin didn't mind it at all. He was loving it every second, every minute.

Jimin gasp as Yoongi found Jimin's sensitive spot located near his earlobe. Yoongi smiles as he won an award.

"You like baby?" Yoongi whispers into Jimin's ear.

"Y-yes." Jimin moans, not caring the cute nicknames.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes, please."

Yoongi continues planting kiss as he unbottons Jimin's shirt. He kisses Jimin's tummy until he reach the belt.

"May I?" Yoongi askes.

Jimin looks at him, his eyes leds were low, and he was panting. He nods as he threw his head against the bed.

[A.N]: And I'm gonna stop here 🙃 prepare for some holy water .... you will need it 😈

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