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As soon as the day turn to evening, Doctor Kim Namjoon went to Seokjin's room. The halls seems a bit different than last time.

Was it because they repaint the walls or he never noticed the color?

He took out the key and slide it on the device. It beeps and unlocks the door.

He took a step forward, finding the bed still made.

"Jin? Where are you?" Namjoon looks around the room.

The door shuts, making him to turn at the door.

No one was behind him.

"Strange." He whispers and turns around.

He found Seokjin, smiling like a killer who committe a murder.

"Hello babe." Seokjin raise a large wooden stick and whack Namjoon's head.

The taller fell unconscious to the cold, hard floor.

"Too easy." Seokjin chuckles as he drops the stick, checks Namjoon's pockets and searches the card.

He gets it and opens the door. He grabs Namjoon's legs and drags him out.







"What you mean? I wasn't the one who broke your phone. You drop it while you were running." Jimin yells at his best friend.

"You made me to run!" Taehyung yells back.

"I said I had a surprise, not 'come down, I accidentally cut my whole hand off.'"

"Even if it did happen, I make you buy me a new phone." Taehyung sarcastically said.

"Gee thanks for being my best friend."

"Anytime, now move a side. I got to go and get my lover and take him to .... dinner."

"You finally have the guts to date him after 3 months." Jimin half jokes at the younger.

"Hey, I got to make money to buy him cute things. And take him to a perfect date." Taehyung truthfully said.

"Finally grew some balls too? Hmm you're starting to be a responsible man. Next stop, you'll be living by yourself."

"Not really .... Jungkook will live with me after we get married." Taehyung winks as he steps outside.

"Guess I'm alone .... in my home." Jimin said to himself. He hadn't had his alone time in a while. Which is kind of strange for him because he usually hangs out with his friends most of the time.

"What to do? Oh maybe watch a bit of t.v. and probably do a bit of work and sleep in peace. Oh the surprise!"

Jimin looks at his bag, laying on the couch.

"Eh I'll show him later .... I'm pretty sure he'll like it." He grabs the wrapped up box out of his navy blue bag and puts the objects to his room. His bag in the closet and the present is under his pillow.

He begins to write a little note for Taehyung.






He finish the note an half hour later. He stretch his muscles from his arms and legs. He fold the little note in half and stands to find an light blue envelope. He puts the note inside the envelope and puts the envelope under his pillow.

He walks out of his room and goes to the kitchen to get a drink. But the ring of the telephone stops him.

He rush to get the phone and answers.


"Hey, just wanna let you know that I'll stay over at Kookie's house."

"Sure, that's fine. Tell little Kookie I said hi."

"You'll be fine on your own, right?"

"Yea, I'll be fine. Have fun with your date. See you tomorrow morning."

"Thanks Jiminie, see ya!" Taehyung ends the call.

Jimin smiles as he know that the younger always look after Jimin.

He puts the phone down and walks to the kitchen. But the phone stops him one more time.

Jimin answers the phone.

"Geez Tae, did you forgot something in the house or what?"

"This is not Tae." An unfamiliar but a familiar voice answer back.

"W-who are you?"

"Your knight and shining armor."

"I think you have the wrong number."

"This is not Park Jimin?"

"Um- no, this is ....ugh- Christian Lee?" Jimin tries to make it simple sentence, but turns out to be a question.

"Jimin, don't lie to me. I know it's you."

"What do you want?"

"Meet me at the asylum you work at, I got something to show you."

The phone cuts, leaving Jimin confused, afraid, and worry.

[A.N]: I hope you like this chapter .... we'll see who is this mysterious person and what he wants to do with Jimin 🤔😈

And we're so close to 20k 😱 you guys are the best 😭😘👏💜 I love y'all so much!!!

Thanks for reading ❤

P.s. Sorry if I may update late, my service is gone and my parents may take days to buy me more service. So for now I'm using thier hotspot 😅 but I hope you like this chapter 💜

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