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Hoseok run to the person who he trusts the most.

Jeon Jungkook.

He knock the door harshly, almost breaking.

"Taehyung, I swear, if you bring that stupid clown mask again, I'm gonna break up wi- Hoseok?" Jungkook opens the door wide to let the feared, wet boy.

"Hobi, what happen this time?"

"N-nothing, j-just w-wanna see y-you."

"Hold on, I'll bring some warm clothes for you."

Hoseok nods his head and sits on the couch, close the edge. He cross his arms, hugging his waist for warmth.

Jungkook came back with a lose black tee and a pair of joggers.

"Take them and go to the bathroom and shower, I'll prepare you your favorite tea."

"Thank you, Kookie."

Hoseok walks to the bathroom, locking the door, and immediately striping his wet clothes. Once he got rid of them, he hop in the shower. He turn the hot water to Luke warm. The way he loves to take a bath.

As soon he was done, he grabs the towel and wraps his waist, water drips down his abs, his black hair sticks to head. He push his hair back, showing his beautiful forehead. He glances his reflection in the mirror.

His faces was pale, as if he'll be turn into a ghost. His eyes were red because he was crying when he ran out of the man's place. He wants let go.

He wants to let everything go.

He wants to let himself go.

He wants to kill himself.

He turn away from the mirror and pick up the clothes. And begins to dress up.

After he finished, he looks at the mirror once again.

He opens the cabinet (A.N: the mirror is connected to the cabient, so it's like the little scene of 'I Need U' mv) and found pills. He grabs them and took a look at them.

He opens it and took out 10 pills and shove them in his mouth. He shallows them two at the time with water.

It's time to end this. To end everything. I'm so sorry my friends, I failed. Hoseok smiles weakly as more tears come out.

"Hobi, are you okay?" Jungkook asks behind the locked door.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm almost done."

"Are you sure? Are you crying?"

"A little, but I'll be okay."

"Open the door, Hobi."

Hoseok did as the younger commanded.

"Come, we'll sit in the living and drink your favorite, peach pie tea." Jungkook tries to warm the sad boy. He managed to get Hoseok smile a bit.

"Thank you, you're so kind. I don't know what I would do with out you."

"Hobi, we're best friends since elementary. How could I not treat my friend right. You're like my older I never had."

"Thanks .... once again. But-"

"But what?"

"I-I-I'm s-sorry."

"For what? You did nothing wrong, you did the right thing to come to my place when your down."

"No, not that."

"Then what?"

"I-" He felt something in his stomach, very unpleasant. "I wish I could live a normal life, like you, Jimin, Taehyung, everyone. But I can't."

"I know how you feel, don't worry, everyone feels down or stressed out. I know it's not easy to handle this, but we all got to survive. No matter what, if you need someone with you, I'll be here."

"Really? Even if I'm slowly killing myself?"

"Don't say things like that. Be possitive. There's time where we laugh and we cry. We have ups and downs. But as long as we have someone .... you're not alone."

"Jungkook ...." He trails off as if he's brain shut down, his vision became fuzzy, he can feel the world spinning, his body went numb. "I'm sorry."

That was the last words he spoke before his head hit against the coffee table and black out.

[A.N]: I hope you guys don't hate me *hides under a blanket*

But there's good news ..... it's not about this book but about another book.

I'm writing a new book ..... not sure if you guys wanna read it. If you're interested, I'll describe what it'll be about. It'll be about Jeongguk, Taehyung, and V.

Don't worry about Hobi in this story, he'll be alright .... I hope ....

Anyways, thanks for reading 🐰🐾💙

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