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"Jimin, where the hell you have been?! Jungkook and I have been looking for you. Do you know what time it is?!" Jimin knew this would happen because he already knows it's pass twelve. 

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Alright, just tell me what happen after you left."

"I went ..... to the park. I needed to clear my head." Jimin pass Taehyung, not giving a glance.

"Oh - you should have called me." Taehyung walk after Jimin, making sure his friend was fine.

"Are you okay, Chimmy?"

Jimin flinch when Taehyung said Chimmy. He try not to let it notice but Taehyung noticed and decide to let it to pass.

"I'm fine, let's go to bed. It's late and I have to go back to work tomorrow."

"But tomorrow's Saturday, you promised that we go to pet shop to see the animals." Taehyung makes a sad puppy eyes.

Of course, how can Jimin forget how sensitive his friend can get when it comes to animals.

"O-oh .... umm I don't think-"

"Ah no, you're coming with me and Jungkookie tomorrow. Tell them that you got a headache or that you had diarrhea." Taehyung tried not to laugh when he finished the sentence.

"Ha ha very funny. But we'll see if I can go with you."

"Thank you Jimin Hyung. I love you!"

"Love you too loser."








Jimin hang up the phone, sighing. He scratch his head and made his way to the door.

Before Jimin could open, Taehyung barge in and hug the elder, making the two to fall on the floor.

"Hyung! What they say?" Taehyung yells in Jimin's ear.

"If you kindly get off of me, I'll tell you and I won't kick your ass."

"You're funny, Jimin Hyung." Taehyung makes his infamous box smile and get off of the elder.

"They say I can stay home, they'll get someone to look after Min."

"That's great. Get dressed, Jungkook! Jimin's coming with us!" Taehyung yells as he walks to Jungkook.

"Bro, I'm right here. You don't have to yell. Now I'm going to be deaf before I reach twenty-five." Jungkook wince and cover his ears.

"I know bro, I'm just making sure you won't forget." Taehyung shrugged and walks to the living room.

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