Missing Pieces - z.m.

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Hello everyone. If you're wondering, no this is not the first chapter of the book. This is simply an author's note stating the fact that I've never written a story on wattpad, and this is my first ever serious story, so I don't know how it'll turn out. I'm warning you from now: run while you still can.

This is my first ever story and I'm very nervous. I do need time to do the cover of the book, and I don't know if I can update on a daily basis since I have volunteer work, lots of homework, and my exams are starting in June! I'll try my best to update, but I can't promise you anything.

The first chapter is going to up sometime this week. I'm working on it right now, and I want to pay close attention to what I should reveal for the first chapter. I hope you guys like my story, and please bear with me since I'm quite new to this.. :) Have a nice day!


P.s. If you have any questions for me or anything at all, please don't hesitate to message me. You can also find me on twitter: @AmalYouzbaki xx

Missing Pieces - z.m.Where stories live. Discover now