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This story starts after the Budica family incident 

Dimitri's Pov: 

Roza had shut up completely after the Badica incident 2 days ago, I looked at her and wondered how she was copping, I felt bad that she had to deal with so much at such a young age. 

"Don't you miss that?" Tasha said I hadn't been paying any attention to Tasha at all but I nodded and smiled anyway. 

Tasha continued to talk as I was still lost in my thoughts when out of nowhere Adrian Ivashkov suddenly walked into the room with Mason behind him. 

Adrian had come here to spend Christmas like the rest of the families have, after the attack the school decided to invite all the parents here and any royals who wanted to come for a safe Christmas.  

"Hey, Rose!" Mason said in a very unhappy voice "Your Boyfriend, was looking for you so I brought him here" He added 


"What!? I don't have one!" Rose responded shocked. 

"Ohh, from what I heard, Adrian Ivashkov is your boyfriend" 


"What!? No! I just talked to him yesterday!" 

"Right!" Mason screamed 

"Where did you even get that!!?" Roza screamed right back

"...Mia...She said-" 

"SO YOU BELIEVE HER NOW! you believe her over me!" Roza seemed genuinely hurt, as everyone else in the room just watched. 

"Wait, didn't you say you had a boyfriend, yesterday, Little D?" Ivashkov spoke up 


"Little D!!? HE GAVE YOU A NICKNAME!" Mason seemed, hurt more than anything else. 

"NO! you stop calling me that!" 

"And you said you're not into older men, didn't you? Well, guess what, I'm a spirit user and I can see auras, and guess wh-" Ivoshkov began, I was too shocked to even speak,  He could tell that we had feelings for each other!

"Stop the crap, Ivashkov" 

"Fine, Don't be mine! But I'll just tell them what I see, I told you yesterday, I'm a walking lie detector. So you like-" Ivashkov began but was interrupted as Roza slapped him. 

"You say you like me, right? Then you should have respected my privacy! And Mase really? You would believe that Mia over me? I already told all of this morning I'm not with him when you asked me! BUT WHY WOULD YOU GUYS CARE! I'm just a price to get to, right!? YOU GUYS ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH FEELINGS! BECAUSE MY FEELINGS DON'T MATTER AT ALL!" Rose screamed loudly, I hadn't seen her this upset ever before even when she was in a horrible situation. 

"And you, I hate you!" She added turning to me, then she got up and ran away. 

What just happened? 

She seemed fine, then why did she just burst out like that. 

"What just happened?" Mason said breaking the silence 

"I don't know but you all better check on her, we seemed to have pulled the last strings," Ivashkov said before leaving. 

"I'll see," I said 

"I'll come with" Lissa shot up 

"Me too" Mason added 

We followed Rose who had gotten pretty far for such short time, We followed her till she disappeared into Alberta's room. 

After a little waiting, we knocked on Alberta's door. 

A very angry and deadly looking Alberta came out. 

"What the hell do you want!?" She screamed 

"What happened to Rose? Is she okay?" Lissa asked worriedly 

"I don't know, you guys tell me. Should she be okay!? Rose just saw a house full of dead bodies as she was at the Badica house, when she came back and went to her best friend, her best friend was too busy with her boyfriend to even notice something was wrong with her. Then her mentor and the person she trust's the most pushes her away because of being professional, something he doesn't seem to know the meaning of, Then she get's randomly stopped by a guy she doesn't know and becomes school's hot topic, plus her Best friends believe a lying girl known for trying to destroy her life over her. Then, She finds out her best friend actually likes her. Tell me, You guys see any reason for her to snap? Well, I do, but wait there's more. She goes to hang out with her friends, Her so-called sister ignores her for her boyfriend, her mentor/friend ignores her for his friends, then her best friend brings a boy into the room and starts to argue with her Because he can't control his feeling, when she didn't do anything wrong!"  She said furiously

Then she turned to me. 

 "I expect better from you Belikov, You should have known that house was going to affect her! And instead of supporting her like a mentor is supposed to do, You pushed her away because YOU ALL SEEM TO THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WITH EMOTIONS AND ROSE HAS NONE!!!" I'm sure Alberta was calmer when she fought Strigoi then right now. 

When I thought about it, it made sense. I was so caught up in my emotions I wasn't helping her as her mentor at all, All I did was just push her more and after a horrible experience like the once she had anyone would have broken down right then and there. Then also being pushed away by everyone she was the closest to must have destroyed her, she seemed fine but she really wasn't. She put on a mask and smiled for her friends but she was broken, And me talking to Tasha like that must have pushed her so much. 

I was a horrible mentor and friend not to mention lover...


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