16 (prt.2)

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"No!" He suddenly said, getting his voice back.
"You can't go. I need to talk to you."

"Well, I don't have any desire to speak to you. I'm telling you just give me a phone and I'll be out of here!" I screamed.
He is not blaming me. And he definitely isn't talking down to me like I'm some kid that needs to listen to him, cause I'm not anymore.

"Rose! For God's sake! Your pretending like I left for fun! Like I didn't contact you! You just dissappear and expect me to be okay with it!? For me to just listen to you!? You want me to apologize!? For what!?" He started screaming as well.

I couldn't even believe he was asking me, why he should apologize!
He is such a idiot! God!

"Wow" I muttered. As I took the blanket off of me and jumped out of bed. Standing in front of him.
I slapped him hard.
And then the pain kicked in. My foot!

"Eeeeeeeeaaaaa" I made a weird nice to block out my scream of pain and the before I knew what was going on I was back on the bed, unable to stand.

"Ohh god! Dear! I don't know what's going on, but you two need to stop! Roses foot is broken and it's not good for her to stand. As for you dimka. We can chat tomorrow. For now, go to yeva's room and sleep" mrs.bslikova spoke up. Letting us know of her presence that we had forgotten.

"Umm, no need. Like I said, just give me a phone. My broke while fighting." I said, trying to calm down.

"God dammit rose! Why can't you be normal for a second!" Dimitri spoke up. He had been in a shock when I slapped him and just seem to be getting out of it. He was still holding his cheek.

"Normal!? You know what's not normal!? Freaking going somewhere in the middle of a case you were already working on!" I said, being more mindful of mrs.belikova standing next to 2 of her daughters watching us.

"What do you want from me rose!? I tried to contact you! I tried to find you. But you disappeared. I left, but I didn't leave you. You left me." Dimitri said sitting down next to me.

Too close.

"I-I... I didn't leave you. You left. When you could have done everything I couldn't. You left!" I felt desperate.

Dimitri studied me for a while before lowering his voice to normal and saying "what do you mean roza? If you aren't mad that I left you, then why are you mad?"

"Of course I'm not mad that you left! I'm mad that you didn't come back!"

Dimitri studied me more before turning to his family and telling them to give us a minute or something like that, I couldn't fully understand the Russian.

"Roza. Oh my roza" dimitri said with a sad smile playing on his lips as he studied me.
"Roza, I don't have any idea what your talking about. But I missed you and I want to understand. Why did you start avoiding me?" He asked, the smile gone. His creamy eyes that always smiled to me sad and loving.

I am strong. I will not fall. I am strong.

"Because you didn't come back." I explained.
"Don't pretend you don't know what happened in that mission."

"But I don't rose. When you stopped contact with me, so did everyone else. No one told me anything about the mission. I mean, the person in charge is the only person who can tell me but your mother didn't tell me anything." He explained.

I am strong. I will not cry. I said to myself but then a tear escaped.

"Dimitri, the day you left. I got your letter and I was mad at you but I didn't hate you. Then, mom told us that the mission is cancelled because there has been no strigoi activity and the queen can't have good guardians not being on duty and she can't have novices not getting any field experience. So, we were going-going back when-when-when a group of strigoi attacked the car. There were so many of them dimitri. I realized that day I've never felt real fear for live before that day. It was a long fight but there were so many of them. I tried. I really did. I killed them too! There were supposed to be 4 fully experienced guardians. But you weren't there and it was hard to manage. And then ... then, one of them tried to kill me, while I was fighting another one. Mason saved me. But-but he took the hit for me. He was gone with in seconds. I didn't even get to hear what his last words were cause another one attacked jake and I tried to help him but it didn't work. They got to him. Took a lot of blood. And we barely got out of there. Mom and jake were in a stage of near death. And mom got better But-but jake never did.
I felt so weak! If you were there and not me then you could have done better.
Lissa was mad but after hearing everything she actually tried to help them and she helped me by healing. It was so much. Too much for me to take.
I had;killed. Lost 2 of the 5 people I loved. And you had left." I managed as my voice felt weak and dry.
I blinked away all the tears that were in my eyes.
I am strong. Now I am.

"And then? Where do I fit in rose?" Dimitri asked.

"That's when I went you that letter, told you to come back because I felt like death. But you never did. Instead, my dad came. He helped me. And showed me how to be strong." I finished.

Dimitri stared at me in almost horror.
I couldn't tell his exact expression, it was dark and clouded.

"Rose, I never got any letter form you." He finally said.

"That's impossible! I sent that letter! The ozera house got it! They conformed it!" I said pointing at him.
"You didn't answer!"

"Rose, I'm telling you I never got it! Of course I would have come, if I had known that you went though all that I would have asked tasha to let me go. And she would have listened! What you went though, no one should." He said, taking some of my lose hair and putting it behind my ear.
Making my heart race and forcing me to admit somethings that I had forced myself to forced myself to put down as not true for the past 3 years.

"Don't do that" I said moving away.
"You are engaged."

"Umm, yes. When I couldn't find you. And mama wanted me to. It wasn't on my choice but I couldn't sit around and wait. My age... I am getting older." He muttered. Nervously almost.

"So, ozera?"

"No. This girl named Pavlushka. Known as pav, from around here. I found tasha doing some not so great things. She's in jail for attempt murder of the queen" he said, sadly.

"She what?!"

"Yeah, that's why I guess I'm not shocked she didn't give me my letter. But rose.. this-this can change and-"

"Dimitri, things have changed. I found out a lot about spirit. I found my dad and more. I learned about death and loving someone. I realized how much I cared for jake and mason but they were gone. They were part of the 5 or  6 people that I actually loved and wanted in my life more then anything and mason saved me and all of it ended in me finding somethings dimitri. Things that make up who I am now.

I found out that I actually have darkness inside me. Actual darkness and hate and monster. And that's not all dimi. There's so much more that happened. I've killed so much. I've learned so much.
If she is a nice girl then congrats. But you did leave dimitri. You did. And you can't come back" I answered his Unasked question.

Looking in his eyes, I want to forgive him, and be with him. But he did put his job first, and he did leave and I can't put that behind and change everything my world is right now to go back to him.

"Rose, I know things changed. I know that lissa, isn't in the best position. What happened to her and you. But you can't just leave again! I looked for you everywhere-" dimitri. Oh god I want to hug, and just be in your arms.

"Yes. Lissa still can't move, barely, but she's getting better. Who would think.. a stupid tree would fall after all the protection I put on her a stupid tree fall on her and hurts her!? Ahh! But she's getting better.

... what am I saying. No belikov. That's not possible anymore."

We sat there in silence for a while before having a actual normal conversation. We spoke about everything that happened to us in the last year. I told him about meeting baba, and how baba tried to kill him. Then he told me about about how his family was worried about him and his choices. How he was marrying because yeva, his grandma wanted him to marry someone soon. About how he imagined me meeting his family with him.

All of it was so bitter sweet. Made me really think about things.

I had assumed so much about dimitri just because he didn't come, when so much could have been solved if I spoke to him.
Though, it's not like I had a choice.
I was taken by mr.Shi before anything could be solved.
Eventually, we all fell asleep.
Me and dimitri, together, in his house like I had once hoped in my dreams. Yet, things were so different now.

A/n hey, howdy, hello!
Hi guys! So I know I said this story would come out yesterday but I got writers block and wasn't sure how to end the story! But it's a pretty big chapter so hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know what you think about the story below.

Btw, the next chapter in the chapter where you can kill me.... (it's pretty bad)

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